Til Death Do Us Part

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Warnings: A bit of Black Brothers angst and a bit of drinking-THAT'S ALL!
This week's chapters are about the Potter Wedding so there's much too much angst (for now ;) )
(Also there's a scene where Sirius sings Nothing You Can Take From Me from TBOSBAS)

Evans Family Farm, June 1979

"Well, hello there, you little rascals!" Eliza cheered, stepping onto the porch. "Grammy!" Lily shrieked, running towards her grandparents. Gerry followed his wife outside, laughing happily as the two ladies hugged each other. "Merlin's beard when you said farm I pictured a farm! Not a palace!" Regulus scoffed, looking up at the towering farmhouse. "Those are the Evans' for you!" Mary shrugged, patting his arm as she passed by him. "Come, love, let's get settled inside before we explore!" James suggested, laughing a bit as he took his Fiancé's arm. The Soon-To-Be-Wed's decided instead of going someplace fancy and far away for their bachelorette and bachelor parties, that they wanted to stay relatively close by. So, one calls to Lily's grandparents later, and they secured the house with them for the weekend. It would be Regulus, Barty, and the Rosier twins' first visits. By the look on their faces when they arrived, they seemed to be pretty excited.

This, unfortunately, was a no-kids trip. So, Anna went to visit her parents while the group was present. Which Sirius couldn't pretend didn't make him a little sad, he really liked that little girl.

"Well come on in! Make yourselves at home! Lunch will be ready in a bit!" Eliza invited, leading the group inside. "Fuck me, Evans, is your family loaded?!" Barty scoffed, tossing his bag onto the hallway floor. Lily giggled, placing a kiss on her grandpa's cheek. "No! It's simply family inheritance-you boys should know all about that!" Lily teased. "Very funny, Lily!" Regulus huffed. Eliza came forward, pressing her hands to her chest. "If it isn't Mr. Regulus Black-oh! We've heard so much about you!" Eliza gushed, smiling brightly at James and Regulus. Regulus waved shyly, making his friends laugh. "Don't be shy Baby Black-they don't bite!" Marlene remarked, grabbing a biscuit off the dining table. Remus instantly followed her. "It's nice to meet you Mrs. Evans" Regulus sighed. "Oh please, call me Eliza! And Gerry-everyone does! We don't do formality here!" Eliza shushed. "Try telling Reggie that!" Sirius called, elbowing his brother playfully. Regulus simply glared at him as the room filled with laughter.

That night, while Eliza and Gerry readied the group's bedrooms, the young adults snuck off to the local pub nearby. One Lily said was very popular, and that her parents would visit every time they vacationed here. They all dressed and headed out around 9 pm, knowing they'd be out late. James drove them in the family pick-up truck. Lily in passenger, Peter, Alice, and Frank in the backseat. And the rest of the hooligans in the back of the truck, cheering and waving their hands as the wind blew. When they arrived at the pub, there was already a swarm of people inside. Many Lily knew from her childhood, who she was happy to see again. She introduced dozens of people to her friends, all of whom she met at her "Prep School for exceptional students". Or that's what the muggles called it anyway.

They were all very welcoming kind and accepting. Accepting Lily's two boyfriends, and all her queer friends. The people were lively and full of energy, for a bunch of country dwellers. Sirius hadn't ever thought of country people behaving like this, he assumed they worked a lot which meant they were tired a lot. But not these country people. He got roped in by Lily into countless amounts of dancing and drinking games and partying. To the point where his feet hurt from all the standing and moving around, he was doing. He barely saw Remus for the whole first part of the night.

Even Regulus was having fun, Sirius hadn't seen him so happy in a while. And for some reason, that set off a weird alert in Sirius's head. Regulus Black doesn't just "get happy" for no reason, he doesn't let himself unwind, or feel safe in an environment like this one. The fact that he was dancing, and drinking, and singing as if he were a normal teenage boy...was alarming for Sirius. Not for anyone else though...even James. They'd never know Regulus like Sirius does.

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