Pre-Christmas Gifts

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Warnings: Mentions of underage drug use (welcome to the 70s T-T), MANY sexual-related jokes, mentions of Sirius's home life, and coming out to a loved one (IT'S HAPPY I SWEAR!)

November 3rd, 1975

"Remus-Remus shh! They'll hear you!" Sirius chuckled, pushing Remus away. "Then keep your mouth shut!" Remus scoffed, leaning forward again. Sirius laughed as Remus caught his lips again, holding his cheek gently. Sirius pushed away again, dragging Remus's lips across his jaw. "I get it's my birthday but that doesn't mean everyone in this dorm needs to know we're date-!" "Just shut up and kiss me!". Remus grabbed Sirius's collar, pulling him back in. Sirius wrapped his arms around Remus's shoulders, grabbing his nightshirt in his fists. Remus hummed, resting Sirius back in his bed. He pulled back, kissing down Sirius's face. Aiming for his neck. "M-Moony! Moony!" Sirius giggled, turning his head away from Remus. Just as Remus kissed Sirius's neck, Frank's alarm went off. Remus groaned, pulling away from Sirius. Sirius rolled his eyes, rubbing his neck weirdly. "Good Morning Chaps!" Frank cheered, jumping from his bed. Peter groaned, tossing his pillow over his head. "Oh fuck off, Longbottom!" James growled. Sirius climbed out of his bed, opening the curtains.

"Come on Potter, it's my birthday!" Sirius cheered, running towards James's bed. He screamed as he jumped onto James, tackling him. "Ow-Ow Hey Hey! Off of me, Black! Back off!" James growled, flailing his arms hopelessly. Sirius hummed, squeezing James in a hug. Remus laughed, getting out of Sirius's bed. "Morning Remus, Mate!" Frank cheered, tossing his cardigan over his shoulders. "Morning, Frank" Remus chuckled. "Sirius-I'm dying here!" James announced. Sirius laughed as James shoved him off, knocking him to the opposite side of the bed. "Happy Birthday, Wanker" "Thank you, Shit for Brains!". James slapped Sirius's chest playfully, just making Sirius laugh more. "Oi! Shut up all of you!" Peter screamed, tossing his pillow down annoyingly. "Come on Petie, got to wake up-breakfast soon!" Frank said, shaking Peter gently. "You're too nice to him Longbottom, I just scream GET UP LOSER!" Sirius shrugged. "Ah such loving ways to wake up your friends" Remus sighed. Sirius smirked up at Remus, narrowing his eyes knowingly at him. Remus shushed him, turning to grab his uniform.

"Anyways today! It is all about me!" Sirius cheered, jumping out of James's bed. "Oh goody!" James whined, tossing the covers off his legs. "We're not throwing you another party, Black! James almost died last year!" Peter scoffed, grabbing his uniform out of his drawers. "Hey! It's not my fault he did so much cocaine!" Sirius sneered. "I was drunk and didn't know what I was doing!" James defended. "We know Potter, you had your glasses on the back of your head!" Remus added. James tossed his hand up dramatically, shrugging. "Not as bad as Sirius was at last year's party!" Frank reminded. Sirius groaned, rolling his eyes. "Yeah, this guy gang bangs six different Gryffindor girls and I'm the one that ruined the party!" James whined, tossing his tie around his neck. "Correcting it was two Hufflepuffs! Three Gryffindors and a Ravenclaw!" Sirius corrected, pointing at James. Remus looked up at Sirius. Jealousy seared in his throat. "Moony was the one who put Peter through the punch bowl!" Sirius scoffed. "Are we all going to exchange bizarre Sirius stories or go to breakfast?!" Remus snapped. James scoffed, laughing jokingly. "Well sorry Mr. Breakfast! Didn't know we were bothering you!" James scoffed. "Are you jealous, Remus? You know I only took on six because I hadn't-!" "Stop talking Sirius!". Sirius smirked, turning towards his bed.

At breakfast, countless people came over to wish Sirius a happy birthday. As well as letters that poured in from the owls. "Oh, Mum and Dad's is here! Who wants to read it?!" Sirius sarcastically asked. "I will-after drowning it in pumpkin juice!" James sighed, grabbing the letter. Sirius chuckled as James ripped up the letter and tossed it into his goblet. "Oh, here's Effie and Monty's!" Sirius cheered, grabbing the next parcel. Inside the box was a David Bowie t-shirt and a matching lightning bolt necklace. "Oh sweet! James, your parents rock!' Sirius cheered, holding up the shirt. "I know!" James laughed. "Oh, great another T-shirt! Like you don't have enough!" Remus sarcastically added. "None with Bowie on them! This is awesome!" Sirius chuckled. Remus rolled his eyes, biting into his pancake. Sirius placed the t-shirt away, pushing the gift aside. "I got one from Andy, Uncle A, Hope, and Lyall, and uh-oh Mary!" Sirius gasped.

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