Mischief Managed

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Warnings: Mention of the war, pulling pranks on students, screaming/arguing, Remus lashes out at Sirius a bit, mentions of NHOB's parenting, and some Black Brothers angst

Gryffindor Common Room
Gryffindor had slaughtered Slytherin at the game. Only making their little prank a thousand times better! "Just imagine the looks on their faces when they get back from a loss-to that!" Marlene roared, slapping her knee happily. Dorcas giggled, sipping her drink slowly. "I told you all it'd work!" Sirius called, pointing to Marlene. The group of them were sitting around the sofa, a party going on around them. Remus rolled his eyes, arm around Sirius's shoulders. "It was such a rush, we made it out just in time but had to wait to get out of the dungeons!" Mary squealed. Remus laughed, nodding in agreement. "Yeah, they exited the common room right when the Slytherins were piling back downstairs!" Dorcas added. "Ugh, just in time!" Marlene applauded. Lily and Marlene high-fived, making James laugh. "Are we so sure this is a good idea?" Peter worried. "Well, it's too late to change our minds now!" Alice scoffed, swinging her legs over the sofa. Frank chuckled, nodding lightly. "Well, these clowns are going to want revenge!" Remus tutted, shrugging his shoulders. "So they fight with fire, we fight with fire right back!" Sirius laughed, rolling his eyes.

"After this prank, they'll be too scared to fuck with us!" Marlene smirked. "Marls-" Remus began. "Remus, stop being so worried, we'll be fine!" James cheered. Remus scoffed, looking over at James. "James give him a break on his stunt this morning he's scared for his neck!" Mary teased. "That's not-!" "I'd be too if I punched a future Death Eater like that!". "Hey?!" Remus snapped. "Guys, Remus isn't scared of them!" Sirius corrected. "I mean anyone would be, to be fair that punch sounded bloody impressive-!" Alice began. Remus slammed his book shut in his lap, silencing the group of them. "Ooo he shut his book, he means business!" Marlene joked, raising her eyebrows. Remus held up his book and smacked her on the back of the head with it. "OI?! Ouch you fucking werewolf-!" Marlene hissed, rubbing her head. Sirius pulled Remus back away from Marlene, snuggling with him nervously. Remus wrapped his arm around Sirius again, kissing his head. "You guys are nasty!" Lily giggled. Sirius blew Lily a sarcastic kiss, which she happily returned. Remus opened his book again, flipping the page as he rolled his eyes.

"So how's the Slytherin common room look, like a tornado hit it or the Whomping Willow?!" James smirked. "I think we'll let Puppy Padfoot's camera be the judge of that!" Mary cheered, pulling Sirius' camera from behind her back. "Mary?!" Sirius gasped, sitting forward. James laughed as he ripped the camera from Mary. "Wait so when I said you should sneak that in there-you did?!" Lily marveled, looking over James's shoulder. James found the picture and gasped, instantly beginning to laugh. "Oh my god Mary?! It's a wreck-!" Lily gasped, taking the camera from James. "Let me see!" Alice cheered, crawling toward her. Lily showed her and Frank the picture. "Oh, my Merlin's beard-" Frank snapped. "Me! Me-I want to see!" Marlene shrieked, running over. Peter joined them, everyone except Wolfstar admiring the photo. "Fuck, you guys nailed it!" James laughed. Remus looked at Sirius, who yawned sleepily. "Tired, my love?" Remus asked. "Mh-no, no I'm okay...Monty says it's a symptom of the curse, it should go away" Sirius answered, rubbing his eyes.

"You sure...I know these freaks are being a little loud!" Remus called. Marlene and Mary both gave him the finger, making Sirius giggle. "I promise, you worry about me too much!" Sirius huffed, slapping Remus's chest playfully. "Cause you're my boyfriend, maybe next time I'll let your brother handle you-" Remus smirked. He then promptly bit Sirius's ear, making Sirius gasp. "Ouch!" he screeched, blushing a bit. Remus placed another kiss under his jaw, making Sirius smile. "Oh my god Mary, you're getting us all two months' worth of detention for that!" Lily giggled, tossing the camera to Sirius. Sirius caught it just before it could fall, cradling it against his chest. "Yay! More detentions, like we haven't got enough of those!" Remus scoffed, returning to his book. "Oh grow some balls, Remus-!" "Oh, he has those alright". Remus looked at Sirius, who instantly started blushing again. "That's what I thought" Remus growled, smirking to himself. "QUEERS!" Marlene screamed. Dorcas then tackled her, covering Marlene's mouth quickly. "Fight! Fight! Fight!" Alice chanted, pumping her fist. Marlene wrestled Dorcas off of her, both girls laughing hysterically. Sirius began giggling as well, making Remus smile.

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