What Young Teens Should NOT Know.

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Warnings: Mention of war/death eaters/battles/murder/the usually, conversations relating to the Order, and Wolfstar arguing/fighting. THESE ARE SO SHORT I'M SORRY!

March 30th, 1977

Spring Break was around the corner, meaning Hogwarts was eager to be let out. The weather outside was perfect, allowing the students to return to their studying and lunches outside in the sun. Lily insisted they sit by the lake every day to eat, so she could toss tiny bits of food into the water. Telling everyone she's feeding the Giant Squid at the bottom of the lake. Which no one actually believed. Sirius had taken up on her offer to read, however. She supplied him with the best history books on Queen Anne Boleyn, they were so interesting. "Did you know Anne's sister Mary was one of the King's mistresses-before he even fell in love with Anne!" Sirius marveled, resting in his boyfriend's lap. "Oh shit really?!" James scoffed. "Yes! Lady Mary had sexual relations with King Henry before he annulled his first wife, Catherine of Aragon!" Sirius agreed. "Damn!" James chuckled. Sirius nodded, returning to his book. "You know I never thought I'd see a day where Sirius Black would be mooing over a book about a dead queen like a cow in labor!" Marlene teased, skipping rocks against the water.

Lily giggled, ripping up more bread for the squid. "Oh shut up!" Sirius snapped. "And I never thought there'd be a day where I'd be dating Sirius, but here we are!" Remus added, shutting his book. Sirius looked up at Remus, smiling brightly. Remus pressed a kiss to his forehead before Sirius returned to reading. "Enjoying those books then Siri?" Mary asked, sprawling her legs out in the grass. "Mhm, they're so interesting" Sirius answered, nodding his head as he flipped a page. Dorcas appeared behind the couple, holding a paper in her hand. "So! Not to make you all upset or anything but uh..." she began, heading towards her girlfriend. They all looked up at her as she handed Marlene a copy of the prophet. Marlene sighed, taking the paper as Dorcas sat down. She opened it, smoothing out the pages before reading the headline. "Leader of the terrorist group the "Death Eaters" releases an anonymous statement through troops...claiming to be after ridding of any and all non-purebloods and their ideals" Marlene read, her voice dark and plain. Lily tossed the breadcrumbs in her hand into the lake angrily. Mary crawled to her knees, a sense of worry on her face.

"Okay, this is getting ridiculous!" Marlene scoffed, tossing the paper into the grass. Sirius set his book aside, looking up at Remus. "Who do they think they are?!" Marlene added. "They're purebloods! Purebloods have reigned over the Wizarding World since the golden ages-of course they're attacking! They're threatened because they're becoming outnumbered!" Dorcas answered. James nodded, holding Lily's hand in his. She squeezed it comfortingly back. "I think there's only one thing we can do about this..." Remus muttered. Sirius frowned, looking at his boyfriend carefully. "Well after you then, mate" James agreed.

Dumbledore's Office, 6 pm

"Enter" Dumbledore cooed. James pushed open the door to the office, all his friends behind him. "Ah, Mr Potter what a pleasure...and you've brought your friends with you, how lovely" Dumbledore smiled, setting aside his work. James sighed, approaching the Headmaster's desk by himself. Lily closely beside him. Marlene, Mary, Dorcas, Alice, and Frank by the door. Peter on James's left. Sirius and Remus beside Lily. "To what do I owe this meeting?" Dumbledore wondered. "Well, uh...sir, we've all been having some...concerns about what's been going on recently!" James began. Dumbledore nodded, listening to James's words. "And we were wondering if we could confide in you of what we all know if that's alright?" James asked. "Well certainly, as I always say, Help will be given to those at Hogwarts for those who deserve it...do sit" Dumbledore agreed. He pulled out his wand, summoning a large rounded table into the center of the room, with chairs for all the teens. Dumbledore rose from his chair, taking Lily's offered hand to help him to the table. He sat at the head, his Head Boy and Girl on his sides. The rest fill the space opposite them. Sirius kept his hand in Remus's, tucked into Remus's lap.

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