This Is Where The Sad Shit Begins...

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Warnings: Mention of the War, Sirius hating on his sexuality, panic attacks, screaming/crying, More Black Brothers angst, serve injury (Quidditch), Walburga and Orion return (yay...), and you know whenever they're here homophobia follows but now, they hate on Sirius for wearing dresses! Fucking assholes -_-

Hogwarts Castle, September 1st

The Great Hall was quieter than usual. More muttering and gossiping than loud rambling about vacations and the new term. Even the Professors were acting weird, incoherent muttering to each other, hands over their mouths. It made Sirius angry, everyone trying to hide what they all already knew. The prophet had blown up the evening before with the latest news. Death Eaters had raided Diagon Alley, taking potions, dark artifacts, wands, and other supplies they could get their hands on. Leaving the owner of the pet shop dead and in pieces in an owl cage. A large Dark Mark cast above the shop. Illuminating the skies in bright emerald and grey. Headmaster Dumbledore stepped up to his podium, raising his arms to signal silence. The hall of students turned to him, anticipating his speech. "Good evening to you all, and welcome to another year at Hogwarts!" he announced, holding out his arms happily. The hall applauded him, whispering anxiously to their peers. Sirius clapped slowly, glaring at Dumbledore. Dumbledore hushed the hall once more, clasping his hands together on his podium.

"I hope you all enjoyed your fabulous holiday break and are excited to get back to school" he smiled, nodding slightly. Sirius scoffed, looking back at his dinner. Remus placed a hand on his thigh, rubbing it gently. Dumbledore sighed, silencing all the noise in the hall. The student looked at their Headmaster with such nervousness, that you could cut the tension with a knife. "In light of...recent events, I'd like to give you all a warning!" he began. Whispering filled the hall once more. Sirius looked up from his plate instantly. Remus gripping the skin on his thigh. He watched James and Lily huddle together, Alice and Frank holding hands, and Mary and Marlene grip onto each other. Peter frantically shot his eyes around the large hall. "Hogwarts has been threatened...many a time...and I'm confident when I tell you this...they cannot reach you from here!" Dumbledore promised. The hall stood silent. All wonder about whether or not he'd address the war...was gone. "But that doesn't mean you should disregard any other movement happening outside these castle should keep them in your thoughts...and prayers..." Dumbledore directed. Sirius huffed, shaking his head. "So much for not worrying about it!" "Sirius".

Sirius looked up at Remus, who didn't look back. Just stared like the rest up at Dumbledore. Sirius frowned, pushing Remus's hand off his leg. And still, Remus didn't look back at him. "I shall also be starting up a small dueling club...for 6th and 7th years only to attend once a week, in the evening tomorrow..." Dumbledore added. He sighed, nodding his head solemnly. "Enjoy your feast, welcome back!" he finished, opening his arms once more. The hall clapped as the headmaster stepped down from his podium. Chatter returned, many people gossiping back on the headmaster's words. "So...we're all attending tomorrow's meeting, right?" Marlene assumed, twirling her fork awkwardly. Sirius didn't answer, just stared down at his food. "I think so...I'm always up for helping and extra training" Remus answered. Lily nodded, agreeing with him. "Sounds like we need all the practice we can get-these Death Eaters are the real deal!" Mary worried. Alice looked over at Mary, picking up her goblet. "Kinda like Grindelwald, no?" Alice asked, pressing her glass to her lips. "I noticed that too-but the leader is the Grindelwald wanna-be...not the followers" Frank answered.

"It sounds to me like the leader has been rounding up followers for years and is only putting them to work now...why?" James asked. "Who knows-power, money, supremacy reasons?" Lily assumed, shrugging her shoulders. Sirius gripped the table's edge tightly. Fighting strongly to turn around and look back at the Slytherin table. Where surely his little "Death Eater" brother was sitting with his "Death Eater" mates. "And do y'all think the leader will show his face?" James wondered, stabbing his food with his fork. "Well if it is in fact Riddle, I believe he'll reveal himself eventually-seems like the type of bloke who wants everyone to fear his name!" Remus scoffed. James shrugged, nodding slightly. "You think there's a reason he hasn't yet?" Peter squeaked. "Of course, Dumbledore!" James snapped. Sirius looked up at James, studying his face. "Do you think he'll send his army to Hogwarts?" "No he's not stupid-!". "Well, someone like that would want to take out the other powerful competition-!" Lily began. "Like Dumbledore!" Mary added. "Well Dumbledore can protect himself, and his students!" Marlene corrected. Sirius felt his chest begin to close, tears filling his eyes.

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