''Come Hell Or High Water''

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Warnings: A TON of Black Brothers angst, underaged drinking, fighting/screaming/arguing, sexual situations, and mention of the Wizarding War!

Grimmauld Place, August 20th

Regulus picked up the post from the front step. His parents had gone out with Mr. and Mrs. Rosier hours ago. Some meeting. He faked an illness to get out of it. Fucking Death Eaters. So he was alone, with Kreacher. He brought the post into the kitchen, tossing Mother and Father's letters onto the table. But at the very bottom of the stack, was a letter for him. Regulus read the address and couldn't recognize it. It wasn't Evan's or Barty's or Dorcas's. He tucked the letter close to his chest as he returned to his bedroom, climbing past his mother's sleeping portrait and his brother's old bedroom. He pushed open his door and shut it silently behind him. Tossing the letter onto his desk as he sat down in his leather chair. He grabbed his letter opener, slicing open the white envelope, and setting aside the cutter. He opened the envelope flap, sliding out the small piece of paper. Setting aside the empty envelope...he read it.

"You were right. I'd regret this. Please come rescue me, I don't want to do this anymore. Not here, not with him.


Regulus gasped, dropping the letter from his hands instantly. Standing up, backing away from it as if it were contaminated with a sick disease. Knocking over his chair as he did so. It wasn't real. That wasn't Sirius's handwriting. How fucking insane was he to write to him here?! Regulus slowly grabbed the letter again, reading it over once more. " You were right " " Please come rescue me " " Not with him ". That fucking werewolf. He did something to him. Anger and Revenge swelled in Regulus's chest. Gripping the letter tightly in his fingers. What did Sirius expect?! Dating that asshole, he's not a good person. Yet...neither was Regulus. Regulus pressed the letter to his chest, breathing deeply. He couldn't go to Sirius, to save him. Sirius wouldn't survive back here...forced to become what Regulus was. Regulus read the letter once more, tears prickling in his eyes. Sirius was hurting. And if Sirius was hurting...Regulus was hurting. Why, though, he was supposed to be happy there. Away from this stupid family and their fucking ideas.

Regulus couldn't stand there and wonder. He was always a forward thinker. He was still Sirius's brother...and when brothers get called, they answer. He packed away the letter and his wand into his vest pocket. Grabbed the empty envelope before heading downstairs. Mother and Father would be gone for another few hours, he had time. He bid Kreature farewell, making him swear not to speak of this, before leaving on his own. He walked to the nearest bus stop, waiting for the one that would take him the closest to Godric's Hollow. When he arrived at the square, he studied the address on the letter. Using his directional skills to guide him through the streets. He walked for nearly 30 minutes, before coming across the final manor on the corner. " Potter " etched onto the side of the mail carrier. Regulus sighed, tucking the letter into his pocket. He had to find Sirius's room, find a window, he couldn't knock on the door. The August wind blew as Regulus walked around the property, searching for a glimpse of Sirius. The back window, furthest to the left, second floor...was where he found him.

Potter Manor, August 20th

Sirius didn't leave his room after fighting with Remus. His parents would've asked what was wrong, and he'd have to explain himself...tell them about the cutting. He didn't want to do that. Polly would bring him his food, but that was pretty much it. He just sat at the windowsill, zoning out to the sound of the wind and birds. Until...Regulus showed up. Sirius half expected Remus to be right, and that sending that letter was stupid. But when he saw Regulus standing there, both boys looking sadly at each other...he knew he was right about him. Regulus nodded his head, motioning for Sirius to join him. And he did. He ran from his room, quickly sneaking out of the back door and making a run for it. Down the back pathway and towards his little brother. "Reggie!" "Sirius-". Sirius instantly wrapped Regulus in his arms, breaking down once more. Regulus held him back, rubbing Sirius's shoulder gently. "I didn't think you'd come for me!" Sirius cried. "I had to Sirius, he's hurt you-that's not allowed!" Regulus replied. Regulus pulled away, examining Sirius's face. Sirius sniffled, wiping his eyes.

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