A Lot Can Happen In Hogsmeade...

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Warnings: Mentions of abusive families, dialogue written in other languages (I used Google Translate sorry to native speakers!!!), underaged smoking, fighting, arguing, dueling, use of an unforgivable curse, use of homophobic terms and expressions, mention of underage sex, underage drug use, and mentions of kidnapping/missing persons.

The following morning was a Hogsmeade weekend, and the Gryffindors were in less than a cheerful morning mood. "Merlin, James remind me never to drink again!" Sirius groaned, rubbing his head. "Sure mate, like you'll stick to that promise" James scoffed, rolling his eyes. Remus had been grumpy since the night before, his arms crossed in front of his chest. "You feeling alright Moony, you can always stay back!" Peter suggested. "I'm fine Peter!" Remus sighed, smiling at his mate. "Remember students to stay with a group of at least 3! And to check in with your respectable prefects at four!" McGonagall announced. "Sure, we totally won't forget to do that...again" Sirius laughed. James elbowed him gently, both boys chuckling. "You two are complete idiots!" Remus scoffed. Sirius tossed his hands up in defense. "Someone woke up with an attitude!" Sirius teased. Remus rolled his eyes, turning away from the boys. James shrugged, raising his eyebrows dramatically. "This is why we can't let him drink" Sirius muttered to him, following the leaving group of students.

Hogsmeade was always one of Sirius's favorite places, especially in the fall. One it meant his birthday was coming. Two, it meant the weather was perfect and the scenery was gorgeous. Growing up in a dysfunctional household, Sirius spent as much time as he could outside. His older cousins, Andromeda and Narcissa, would teach him all about the different plants and flowers when he and Regulus were young. This is why whenever the boys poked fun at him for knowing something so "Girly" he would get super defensive. Even though now Narcissa and Sirius don't really talk, and Andromeda was banished a few years ago, he still takes their learnings to heart whenever he finds a specific flower in the gardens or woods. "Look Moons! A Chrysanthemum, Andy loves those ones!" he chuckled, picking one from a bush beside Zonko's. Remus chuckled, rolling his eyes. Sirius turned back to Remus, sliding the flower into his hair. "Beautiful Moony brings out the amber in your eyes!" Sirius teased. "My eyes are amber, you twat!" Remus scoffed, plucking the flower out of his hair. Sirius chuckled, taking the flower back.

The boys continued walking, headed toward the Shrieking Shack. "I should place a perseverance spell on this and send it to her! Dora loves flowers!" Sirius smiled. "She does, does she? How is Andy these days?" Remus asked. "Oh great! Ted is still working in the Ministry, and she takes care of Dora! Ted's been working a lot trying to slow down this "Uprising" or whatever!" Sirius explained. "Seems riveting!" Remus teased. Sirius shrugged, looking back down at the flower in his hand. "I will admit it's a nice flower" Remus muttered, smirking to himself. "I know right!" Sirius gasped, looking back up at Remus. "They are native to East Asia and northeastern Europe. Most species originate from East Asia and the center of diversity is in China!" Sirius began. "Oh really?" Remus asked sarcastically. "You know, chrysanthemums are believed to represent happiness, love, longevity, and joy!" Sirius added, sliding the flower into his hair. "Oh, all things you don't have?" Remus joked. "Oh ha ha, very funny!" Sirius whined, smacking Remus's chest.

Remus laughed as they approached the Shack gate. It was small and metal, with a large padlock on it. Remus pulled a key out of his pocket and twisted it into the lock. When it snapped open, Sirius raced through the gate. "Wh-SIRIUS!" Remus called. "Last one there's a broken broomstick!" Sirius cheered, running ahead. Remus groaned, locking the gate once more before chasing after Sirius. Sirius entered the shack first, rushing upstairs to an empty room on the landing. Remus arrived, shutting the shack door behind him. "You almost caused a scene!" Remus shouted at him. "But I didn't!" Sirius shrugged, approaching the door. "Don't go in there Sirius, we have no idea what's in there!" Remus insisted. "But we could always find out-Alohomora!" Sirius chanted, pointing his wand at the door lock. "Sirius-Sirius, no!" Remus growled, going towards the stairs. Sirius tauntingly turned the knob, pushing the door open slowly. "Hey!" Remus yelled, running up the steps. Sirius laughed as he raced inside the room. Locking Remus out. Remus grunted, rushing over to the door. "Oh ha-ha! Real funny Sirius!" Remus groaned, twisting the doorknob.

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