The Ending Is Near

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Again, in pain.
I dunno what the warnings are but I bet they involve ear, fighting, Sirius crying because I always have him crying, and Remus being an asshole. ☺️
Also fuck periods.

Hogwarts Carriages, January 10th 1978

All ten Marauders sat in the same compartment, laughing and chatting. The carriages pulled them up the grounds, back towards the castle. "Wait but who in here actually thinks these two would survive living on their own?!" Marlene scoffed. Sirius shoved Marlene playfully, making her laugh even harder. "That would be a fucking disaster!" Alice shrieked. Lily fell onto Mary's shoulder, both girls giggling hysterically. "Oh my Merlin, Sirius would have to bunk with James and Lily once a fucking week!" Dorcas scoffed. James wiped the tears from his eyes, patting Peter's shoulder repeatedly. Peter was shaking in laughter. "Alright-Alright everyone relax-we're gonna faint if we keep laughing!" Frank called, trying to calm himself. Mary took a deep breath, sighing as she pulled back from her laughing. Marlene giggled, wiping her eyes as she sat up straight. They all calmed down eventually, returning to their normal conversations. "Holy shit that was funny!" James smiled. "Oh I know, I'm hilarious!" Marlene shrugged, flipping her hair playfully. Sirius sighed, relaxing back in Remus's arms. "Back to what we were discussing before Marlene ruined it!" Dorcas scoffed. Marlene rolled her eyes, resting her hand on Dorcas's thigh.

"Right! I'll say that we should prepare for anything, I mean this war could end up ruining some plans, so why not have a life plan set up before we graduate?!" Remus continued. "Hey I agree with you! You know I do, but it's all so strange...I mean six years ago we were arguing over silly pranks in the common and now, we're thinking about getting married!" Lily interrupted, smiling sadly. Mary nodded, thrumming her fingers against her knee. "Crazy how time flies when you're having fun!" she shrugged. Frank nodded, Alice pretending to toast to her in agreement. "I think Remus and Sirius are right to plan this all out, Alice and I have been discussing what we wish to do, we all should be!" Frank cheered. "I mean yeah-but the future is scary!" Peter shrugged. Malrene giggled, rolling her eyes teasingly. "Come on, you all feel me right, what happens to friend groups during wars?!" Peter snapped. "We stick by each other, right?!" James called. "Agreed!" "Definitely!" "Totally!". "Everything will work out fine, I think we all are just worrying too much!" Remus added. Dorcas looked over at Remus, pressing a hand to her chest.

"I'm sorry-did that just come out of Remus John Lupin's mouth-?!" Dorcas gasped. "Oh fuck off Dorcas!" Sirisu huffed, defending his boyfriend. "Woah Woah, calm yourself Black!" Marlene jumped in. "Woah Woah Woah, didn't you hear him-it's soon-to-be Sirius Lupin!" Dorcas teased. "STOP IT!" Sirius shrieked, covering his face. The entire carriage began to laugh again, as Remus wrapped Sirius up in his arms.

The Hogwarts feast went as it always had. Dinner, chatting, Dumbledore's speech. It was pretty normal. After dinner however...things went a bit...weird. "Sherbert Lemon!" Minnie called. The giant gryffin leaped to the side, revealing the spiral staircase. Sirius sighed, looking back at Minnie anxiously. Dumbledore had called on him. Which he knew was because he needed to discuss what happened on Christmas. "Go ahead Dear, there's nothing to worry about" Minnie assured. Sirius sighed, facing forward once more. "Thank you Minnie, good night!" Sirius muttered. "Of course, goodnight sweetheart" Minnie replied. She then left, leaving Sirius staring at the golden staircase. He took a breath before climbing up them, the stairs moving under his feet as he climbed the tall tower. When he reached Dumbledore's office was already propped open a crack.

He pushed open the door, entering the quiet room. "Hello? Headmaster?" he called, shutting the door behind him. Fawkes spread his wings, letting out a loud cry. It made Sirius jump. "Damn it, Fawkes!" he hissed, rolling his eyes. "Indeed, such a loud fellow isn't he?" Dumbledore laughed, descending the stairs. "Headmaster" Sirius called, nodding his head a bit. "Come on Sirius, there's no need to be alarmed, just wanted a chat is all" Dumbledore sighed, stopping beside his phoenix. Fawkes cooed, rubbing his head against Dumbledore's shoulder gently. "Do have a seat" Dumbledore directed. Pointing to the chair in front of his desk. Sirius nodded, heading towards the smaller chair. He sat down in it and watched Dumbledore sit in his. " of course, due to precaution, I must have a complete rundown on what happened on I have yet to be made fully aware" Dumbledore explained, locking his fingers together. "Course..." Sirius nodded. Dumbledore sighed, adjusting his glasses on his nose. "Whenever you're ready" he muttered. Sirius cleared his throat, shifting in his chair. "Okay...uh..." Sirius whispered.

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