Fights, Make-Ups, and Love

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Warnings: Mentions of fighting, a bit of arguing, crying, talking of sexualities and relationships, sexual references/conversations, and A SMUT SCENE EVERYONE!!!!! (beware XD)

James steered clear of the boys for at least two weeks. They were well in February and he still hasn't spoken to either of them. Sirius didn't go to Quidditch. James didn't even show up to the moon, which Remus thought was really shitty. Peter did, though he was incredibly uncomfortable around the two of them. By the look on his face every time he saw Remus and Sirius together, they knew James had told him. And Remus knew Lily knew as well, as she would shoot him glances during lessons. Alice and Marlene however were as blank as an empty page. But the one person the most fucked up was Sirius. A different nightmare every night, resulting in him climbing into Remus's bed if not there in the first place. They were mostly about his mother, screaming at him about how she was right, how he is such a terrible friend, and being queer is a sin that'll ruin your life. He'd be crying every time they were alone, wrapped in his boyfriend's arms. And when they were in public, well he just wasn't Sirius. He was introverted, sulking behind Remus. Head hung, eyes dark, no smile. None of his signature Sirius Black sparkle. Quite frankly, Remus thought he looked like his brother.

Speaking of which, Remus caught them chatting one afternoon, right after Sirius had gotten out of Care of Magical Creatures. "I told you from the beginning Sirius, this would come back to bite you!" Regulus sighed, tucking away his books. Sirius was slouched against the cobblestone wall, one arm across his chest, the other up, holding a cigarette. "I know..." he muttered, moving the cig to his lips. He sucked and blew the smoke from his perfectly symmetrical lips. "You never listen to me do you" Regulus mumbled, holding out his hand. Sirius passed him the cig, and then Regulus smoked it. Which Remus thought was shocking. Regulus doing something rebellious. Regulus handed Sirius back the cig as the smoke fell from his lips. "You'd better watch yourself, Brother, things will only get worse" "Thank you for making me feel so much better!". Regulus scoffed, turning to face Sirius fully. Sirius looked up at him, cig about a centimeter from his lips. "If I were you, I'd punch Potter right in the face, break his glasses or something! Lord knows he deserves it!" Regulus growled. Sirius shook his head. "I can't punch my best friend, I'd be so guilty...Remus might do it if I'm not there to stop him!" Sirius shrugged. True.

"Honestly don't know what you see in them, my friends don't ghost me when they find out about my secrets!" Regulus explained. "That's because you have no secrets, you virgin-ass bitch!" Sirius corrected. "Thank you for that" Regulus hummed. Sirius tossed down the cig, stepped on it, and then used his wand to clean it all up. "You could always talk to Potter, maybe that'll work" Regulus suggested. "Usually I'd try that but uh...I really don't think James is ready to talk right now" Sirius sighed. Remus frowned, a bit of frustration taking over him. He'll go talk to James, and make him fucking listen. He turned around, storming towards the Charms classroom, where Lily and Alice study during lunch. He reached the door and snuck inside. It was quiet as Flitwick was not there, but the girls were. "Hey, girls! You see James?!" Remus asked. Both girls looked up instantly, kind of scared a bit. "Jeez Remus warn us next time" Alice sighed. "James?!" Remus repeated. "Uh, I think he went to the library with Peter, to grab some study books" Lily answered, rolling her eyes. "What do you need to talk to him about?" Alice asked. "Stuff, thanks!" Remus replied.

He raced to the library, to not miss James. He never stays in one place for long. He entered and spotted him immediately, standing alone in the history section. Remus went around the opposite side of the aisle, so as not to corner him. When he reached James's aisle, he stood on the end, leaning inconspicuously. "Psst! Hey! Stag!" Remus hissed. James jumped, turning to the end of the aisle. "Get over here!" Remus demanded. "The fuck is wrong with you?! Scaring me shitless!" James scoffed, putting his book back. "I need to talk to you, now!" Remus insisted. "No" "James-" "No!" "James!". James groaned, rolling his eyes sarcastically. Remus entered the aisle fully, the boys meeting halfway to each other. "What?!" James barked. "Can you allow me to explain what's going on?!" Remus asked. "I don't need to know the details of my two best mates fucking! Nasty!" James objected. "That's not what this is about, we're dating James- we're together!" Remus corrected. "Yeah for now, till Sirius gets bored and you cause a terrorist attack on the school!" James sneered. Remus rolled his eyes, making James scoff. "I know how you two are, you're my friends, I've known you for 5 damn years!" James explained.

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