''I Can't Believe You've Done This!''

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Warnings: Bit of arguing/fighting, references to past/current abuse, lightly smutty scenes, sexual innuendos and conversations (Mostly between Mary and Sirius), and James finding out about Wolfstar (spoilers, it doesn't go well).

Sirius returned to the dorm, still crying but had calmed down mostly. James was there to greet him, the map unfolded in his lap. "Hey, you alright?!" he asked, jumping up from his bed. Sirius shook his head, more tears rushing to his eyes as James rushed over to him. "What happened? What's wrong?" James asked, grabbing Sirius's arms. "I...I think Moony's mad at me" Sirius whispered. James's face turned into instant anger. "Did he do something to you?!" he asked seriously. Sirius shook his head, gripping the leather of his jacket tightly. "We got into an argument and-and I think I...I think I hurt his feelings" Sirius explained. James sighed, relaxing in relief. "It'll be fine Sirius, he'll get over it" "No you don't get it, James-!" "Don't get what?". Sirius looked at James in his tired hazel eyes. He couldn't do it, couldn't tell him. At that moment, his life flashed before his eyes. In it, James would flip out, yell and scream, and never talk to Sirius again. And one thing Sirius knew for absolute certainty, is that whatever the circumstance, whether it comes to death...he would choose James Potter over Remus Lupin in a heartbeat.

Remus didn't really talk to Sirius much after he returned from the Hospital Wing. He didn't tell Sirius to lay with him, barely kissed other than pecks on the cheek when leaving for separate classes. Sirius hated it, hated being in a fight with Remus. Hated Remus not being near at all hours of the day and hated Remus's expression whenever Sirius talked to him. Hated no fingers brushing his skin or lips on his face or even his body pressing him into the mattress of his bed. The feeling was so drowning, that it made Sirius almost suffocate. Even Peter and the girls knew something was up. Mary offered to let Sirius chill with her in their dorm, paint his nails, talk to him...but Sirius didn't feel up to being besties with anyone right now. Other than James. Who was the one to sit with Sirius when he couldn't sleep or had nightmares. And even though it was just barely a week of this fight, Sirius felt like it was an eternity. After only three months of dating, Sirius felt like living without the one person he'd been in love with for years was worse than his mother's antics. It was fucking painful.

"Why don't you just apologize to him?" James asked, keeping his voice low. Sirius and James were sitting on James's bed, wand lit between them. Remus, Peter, and Frank are in their beds, most likely fast asleep. Remus however had the curtains completely shut. "I don't think he wants anything to do with me" Sirius mumbled. "You know that's not true...but-but you know Moons, he's very...he gets defensive when hurt...it's the way he is" James shrugged. "I know, I know that but I said those things anyway!" Sirius cried. "You still have yet to tell me exactly what you said" James reminded. Sirius sighed, resting his hands in his lap. "Well it started when I told him Jenkins was sacked, then he started talking about how people like him and her are different...and I tried to stop him from talking that way but he didn't stop-and-and then I...told I got how he feels because of home..." Sirius admitted. "Ah, mate" James whispered. "I know" Sirius replied.

"Hey, you were just trying to help...it's not your fault, you know Remus can get angry really easily" James corrected. "I just don't like him mad at me, I want him to be in lo-in...friends with me again" Sirius stuttered. James nodded his head suspiciously, narrowing his eyes just slightly. "I don't know what to do to make him feel better about it..." Sirius finally answered. Across the room, Remus was awake, listening to their conversation. Sirius had woken up from a nightmare...meaning Remus had woken up as well. He always woke up after Sirius's nightmares, since first year. "You got to give him air...it's how he deals with his emotions...if you don't, he'll snap and I-I don't want him to hurt you, or anybody else" James pleaded. "I know...but I kind of deserve to be smacked right about now..." Sirius whispered. James shook his head, patting Sirius's knee gently. "You don't deserve to be hit Sirius; your parents just instilled that in you because they suck!" James assured.

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