Spring Break at the Evans Farm

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No Warnings :)

April 21st, 1977

"Holy shit Lily, is this a farm or Buckingham Palace!" Mary scoffed. Lily giggled, smiling up at her grandparent's farmhouse. "It's an oldie but a goody, I've spent so many holidays here!" Lily marveled. "Fuck are your grandparents the Queen and King?!" James laughed. "I think in their heads!" Lily teased. The farmhouse door swung open and three people emerged. Two elderly people, and a toddler. "Lily! Lily!" the toddler cheered, rushing down the porch steps. "Anna! Sweetie!" Lily squealed, setting aside her bags. The little girl crashed into Lily's arms, the girls hugging each other tightly. "Oh sweetheart, how I missed you!" Lily smiled, standing up once more. Holding the girl in her arms. "Anna, these are my friends-say hi!" Lily introduced. The group of teens waved simultaneously at Anna, who happily waved back. "Does old Gam-Gam get any sugar, huh?!" the old woman joked, holding out her arms. Lily giggled as she set Anna down, rushing over to her grandparents. Anna looked up at Sirius, wide-eyed. And Sirius looked back, smiling at her. She smiled right back.

Mrs. Evans took Lily into her arms, holding her sweetly. "Well hello you lot, why don't you come on in! Don't want to keep you out all night do we?!" Mr. Evans laughed, waving to the teens. "Can I show them to their rooms Pop-Pop?!" Anna cheered, skipping back over to her Grandpa. "Sure, little butterfly-most certainly!" Mr. Evans agreed, holding his hand out to Anna. Sirius looked to Remus, who rolled his eyes. "She's so cute, I want one!" Sirius whined. "Of course you do, baby" Remus laughed. The Evans led the teens inside, allowing them to drop off their trunks by the stairs to be brought up later. "Alrighty, you all arrived just in time for lunch! I'm Elizabeth but everyone calls me Eliza, and this is my husband Gerry!" Eliza introduced. Gerry waved again, entering the kitchen. "I'm James, and this is Sirius, Remus, Peter, Mary, and Marlene!" James replied, pointing to his friends. "Frank and Alice couldn't make it-Auror duties!" Lily added, setting Anna down in her highchair. "Ah!" Gerry sighed. He began piling food on everyone's plates. "Well come sit, sit, don't be shy!" Eliza chuckled, motioning for the teens to join the table.

"Thank you for having us, Eliza, it's so nice of you both!" Remus smiled, sitting in between Lily and Sirius. "Oh, the pleasure is ours! We rarely ever have people around these days!" Eliza replied, smirking playfully to her granddaughter. Lily huffed, rolling her eyes. "Alrighty so we've got lemonade and water, the alcohol comes out at night!" Gerry teased, placing two large pitchers on the table. "Gran don't tempt them!" Lily hissed sarcastically. Mary swatted her arm, making Lily giggle. Gerry and Eliza served lunch, which was very good. They asked the kids all types of questions about school and magic. They even heard from Lily about Remus and Sirius, she knew they'd be accepting. Eliza even revealed a queer past relationship of her own over pie. Sirius was quite entranced. After lunch, the Evans's took the teens out to the yard, where a large net and court were set up. "Ah! Badmitten-a family tradition! You guys are going to love it!" Lily squealed, running down the grassy hills excitedly. James smiled stupidly at her, watching her pigtails bounce in the breeze. "Simp" "Fuck off, Padfoot!".

For their age, Eliza and Gerry were surprisingly sporty. Playing a game of badminton one one-on-one to teach the teens the game. Of course, the purebloods were in awe the whole time. Earning them teasing remarks from the others who had heard of the game. They finally realized where Lily got her athleticism and competitiveness from. She was a tough player and shockingly good. She got Sirius and Remus to play with her, teaching Sirius extra carefully how to do it right. "Poor posh boy has never done a sport in his life!' Mary tutted. "Makes you wonder how he stayed so skinny!" Marlene teased. "It's from all that "Lupin-back riding" he is doing!" James added. The three began laughing as James held out his hands, both girls high-fiving him. "I can hear you, you know!" Sirius scoffed, turning to his friends. Eliza giggled, hiding her smile behind her racket. "Oh hush Love, they're just jealous!" Remus cheered, hitting the shuttlecock across the net. "And what's that thing called again?" Sirius wondered. "Well, we call it a birdie, but its real name is a shuttlecock" Lily answered. "Not the only cock Sirius has seen!" Peter shrugged. Marlene started choking on her laughter, forcing Mary to hold her up as the four laughed hysterically. "You aren't funny at all-dickheads!" Sirius scoffed, hitting the birdie.

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