Summer 1977 (Part One)

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Warnings: F-slur used, sexual comments/jokes, a sneaky Taylor Swift reference ;), some crying, slurs and hate crimes against Sirius in this chapter, and physical violence.

Remus left the day after arriving home, and Sirius didn't even get to say goodbye. Although Remus said goodbye at the station-it wasn't a real goodbye! Sirius honestly stayed locked up in his room for the first weekend of break, all depressed and alone. He missed his Moony. And he'd only been gone 48 hours. James called him dramatic, and Sirius called him a cunt. Their parents just laughed at their pointless bickering. Lily came over the night before Petunia's wedding to prepare for Sirius, giving him a breakdown of what to expect at his first muggle wedding. And honestly, they sounded extremely boring. The last wedding he'd been to was Narcissa and Lucius' wedding, and it was so fun. Mostly because he and Regulus set the party venue on fire, and then got their asses beat. It was still fun though. But at muggle weddings, no magic-all boring people are wearing the same things-Sirius couldn't even wear his eyeliner! He hasn't gone a day without it since before his 17th birthday. Lily apologized profusely for how they'd have to behave, but Sirius made sure she knew that he was doing this for her, and he should've expected strict rules coming from Petunia. Who he'd only met once at the station years ago, but hated her guts. She was so mean for no reason. Like, sorry your sister is cooler than you.

That night, after Lily and James had gone to bed, Sirius got his first call. Effie and Monty had given him a telephone in his room after he told them about Remus's vacation plans. They bought James one too, even though James didn't know how it functioned. Sirius laughed for an hour straight watching Lily try to teach him the mechanics of the poor thing. The phone rang, making Sirius jump in fright. It was louder than he expected. He rolled over and picked up the receiver, pressing it to his ear. "Hello?" he smiled. "There's my favorite voice" Remus chuckled. Sirius gasped, sitting up in his bed. "Remus?!" "Hiya, Love". Sirius giggled, smiling brightly to himself. "How-How was your flight, are you okay-everything okay?" Sirius asked. "Yes, yes Baby I'm okay...everything's fine, just got home from dinner with my Aunt actually" Remus answered. "Oh good! Lily just went up to bed with James, she was preparing me to face the Dursley wedding tomorrow!" Sirius chuckled, resting down on his stomach. Lifting his feet off his bed. "You sure you want to go to that thing, it's definitely not your crowd" Remus sighed. "I'm doing it for Lils, I'm not letting her fend for herself in the viper's pit!" Sirius joked, rolling his eyes.

Remus laughed, a hush of exhaustion lingering over his deep voice. "I really miss you Remus" Sirius muttered. "Baby, I've been gone for one week" Remus reminded. "I can still miss you!" Sirius defended. Remus chuckled, Sirius could just picture him shaking his head playfully. As if Remus was sitting right next to him. "I miss you too, Beautiful" Remus mumbled. Sirius blushed, kicking his feet happily. "I'm sorry to hang up so soon but I'm's been a long day" Remus yawned. "Of course, don't worry about it, Love, you need sleep" Sirius smiled. Remus hummed, making Sirius giggle. "Behave yourself at that wedding Sirius, don't make me punish you when I get home" "Is that supposed to be a threat?". Remus snickered, the line going fuzzy as he did so. Sirius bit his lip, resting his feet down on his bed once more. "Goodnight, amore mio, sogni d'oro" "Bonne nuit mon amour, fais de beaux rêves"

July 3rd, 1977

Lily giggled, stirring her drink as she watched Sirius. Mingling with the Dursley family across the party venue. He was doing his best straight-man impression, honestly Lily hadn't seen this side of Sirius in nearly two years. His hair was half pulled back, the top few buttons on his shirt undone, standing nonchalantly as he held his glass by its rim. She couldn't wait to tell Remus about this. Petunia suddenly appeared at Lily's shoulder, her piercing blue eyes drilling into her skull. "Ah, Tunie, what can I do for you?" Lily sighed, turning to her sister. "There's something fishy about that boy you brought!" Petunia snapped. "You mean Sirius?" "Yes! And what type of name is that?!". Lily rolled her eyes, sifting her drink between her two hands. "His family was like obsessed with naming their kids after stars, and you know Sirius is the brightest star we can see from the night sky!" Lily informed. "Oh he's certainly shining alright, what type of man dresses that way?!" Petunia huffed, pointing to Sirius. The two girls turned around, watching as Sirius placed a flirtatious kiss on their niece's hand. Lily definitely hasn't seen him do that in a while. "Dressed like what?! A human?!" "A faggot!".

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