Out With The Old, In With The New

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Warnings: Mentions of feeling guilty over someone, mention of war/death eaters, a bit of a smutty scene, and a slightly tense scene between Remus and Sirius (that later results in a fight but not this chapter ;))
*Dinner scene inspired by the All Too Well short film!

New Year's Eve, 1978

Lily lit the fire in the basement, the rest of the Order sleeping beside her. They had been there for a few days, ever since the safehouse attack on Christmas. Lily stood up once more, checking over everyone. Making sure no one was too cold and comfortable enough. When everything was clear, she returned upstairs. Her friends were gathered in the Living Room, sprawled all over the sofas and floor in blankets and pillows. Lily sighed, rubbing her eyes tiredly as she returned to her spot beside her Fiancés. Regulus allowed her to lay against his chest, as he was rested on James. "How much longer do you suppose they'll be down there?" Alice wandered, glancing over at Lily. Lily shrugged, smiling sadly back at her. "Who knows...it might take a while for Dumbledore to re-secure them a safehouse" James added. "Yeah, how many unsuspecting housing units are there in Great Britain?" Marlene scoffed, smirking to herself. Sirius was sitting on the edge of the sofa, tracing the scars on Remus's left arm. Remus was asleep under him, arms around Sirius gently.

Frank reached over, patting Sirius's arm. Sirius looked up, seeing his friends looking back at him. "You alright, Mate?" Frank asked, resting his arm down again. "Oh-yeah...just...lots on my mind, you know? Moving next week and such..." Sirius whispered. Regulus looked over at Sirius as well, sighing softly. "You're thinking about Christmas aren't you, Amar?" Mary assumed, crossing her arms. "Wh-What makes you say that?" Sirius giggled nervously. Mary tilted her head, looking at Sirius knowingly. Sirius frowned, looking back down at Remus's arm. "Hey, Sirius, it's okay...you don't have to worry about him, he's fine..." Lily assured him. "You didn't actually think Remus would join them did you?" Dorcas giggled, twisting Marlene's hair in her fingers. Sirius didn't answer, just kept staring at the scars lining his boyfriend's arm. The group began to glance at each other shockingly. "You did?" Marlene gasped, sitting up straight. "You-the one person in this room who knows Moony better than anyone?" Dorcas clarified. "Exactly why I'm upset! I cannot believe I'd do that to him!" Sirius cried, sitting up as well. Remus stirred as Sirius moved but didn't wake.

"If I can be honest..." Mary called. The room turned to her, watching her uneasy face. "I thought he would've as well..." Mary agreed. Sirius gasped, both relieved and hurt that someone felt the same way he did. "Yeah...so did I..." Lily added, tucking her hands into her lap. "I'll be the fucking first to admit I thought he would!" Regulus scoffed, tossing up his hand. James sighed, pushing Regulus's hand down. Frank sighed, looking at Alice, who nodded back at him. "So did we..." Alice muttered. James looked around the room, taking in all his friends' worried faces. "Are you all insane? If there's anyone in this room most unlikely to join the Death Eaters it's Remus!" James defended. "Are we even thinking about the same guy here, come on?!" James scoffed. "Darling, how many times have we had to fight against Remus-how many times has he hurt Sirius for no good reason?!" Lily asked him. Sirius sniffled, looking down at his shaking hands.

James sighed, his gaze softening. "I didn't want to believe it..." Sirius whimpered. His friends all looked back at him sadly. "Then I realized...I'm going to be all alone with him...and there'll be no one around to step in-or-or protect me-!" Sirius worried. Mary pressed a hand to her heart, which caused Peter to hold her shoulder softly. "Aw, Siri...you don't need to be afraid" Alice assured. Sirius shook his head, wiping his eyes. He glanced back at his Fiancé, who was still asleep. His chest heaved up and down slowly. "It's just...when I thought about the day he refused to sign...something about him felt...off...as though he knew if he signed he'd be fighting for the side he didn't believe in..." Sirius added. Marlene nodded, agreeing with him. "Si...Yo también sentí eso... como si supiera que lo odiaríamos por ello... y no quería perder a sus amigos..." Mary sighed. Sirius nodded, beginning to twist his hair anxiously around his fingers. "Remus was always a great friend...his heart is too pure to be one of hatred towards others" Frank assured them. James nodded, smiling at Frank. "And besides...you all know we'd go to war against him if he ever laid a hand on Sirius" Regulus smirked, looking back at his brother. Sirius smiled back at him.

The (Not So) Strange MixtureOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora