As Springtime Approaches

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Warnings: Sexual references, 'bullying' of Snape (honestly wtf cares XD), Remus's full moon, and Remus and Sirius argument.

Sirius ended up making it the rest of the break without his parents finding him. Regulus did bring Sirius's thing to the station, earning him a very long and heated lecture. But as soon as he was shaken off his berating younger brother, Sirius ran to find James and Peter. They were standing with Remus, chatting, right outside their compartment window. "PRONGS!" Sirius cheered, running over to his Marauders. "Hey! Sirius!" James laughed. The two boys hugged, laughing happily. "Glad to see you back in one piece!" James cheered. Sirius rolled his eyes, setting down his trunk when they separated. "I suffered through that awful gala, but the week wasn't that bad" Sirius shrugged. "Good! I told you it wouldn't!" James chuckled. Sirius glanced over at Remus, who winked back. It made Sirius blush, biting down on his lip to stop him from smiling. "You lot reckon Evans' had a good holiday?" James wondered, looking over his shoulder. Lily stood with Marlene, Alice, and Pandora. "Oh yeah! Definitely without you around her!" someone giggled.

All four boys whipped around. Mary waved at them, her trunk tucked next to Sirius's. "Hiya boys!" she giggled. "MARY!" James screamed. "Mary-what?!" Remus scoffed. "Mary! Mary!" Peter cheered. Sirius and Mary laughed as the three boys jumped at their friend. Swallowing her in a group hug. "Hi-Hi it's nice to see you boys too!" she laughed, patting James's shoulder. James pulled away first, forcing the other two as well. "When did you get back?! How are you back?!" James asked. "My parents let me come back!" Mary answered, shrugging her shoulders. "I'm glad! Seriously Mary, if I had to deal with Evans alone one more time I'd shoot myself!" Sirius scoffed, patting Peter's arm. "I bet" Mary smirked, rolling her eyes. "MARY!" Lily screamed, racing towards the group. Mary and Lily both squealed, running at each other. "Oi, my ears?!" Sirius snapped. "Holy shit, MacDonald!" Marlene cheered. Lily and Mary embraced, hugging each other tightly. Marlene and Alice quickly joined them. "Oh Mary, how good to see you!" Alice giggled. When they all separated, both groups of friends swarmed around Mary.

"I thought you were never coming back!" Lily scoffed, grabbing Mary's hand excitedly. "Well, I thought Sirius would've blabbed by now! I told him first!" Mary scoffed. James slapped Sirius's arm in anger. "Ow?!" Sirius shouted. "You didn't tell us freak show?!" Marlene barked. "How did you want me to McKinnon?! Send my magical message through a crystal ball?!" Sirius whined. Remus rolled his eyes, wrapping an arm around Sirius. "Sirius was busy this Christmas, Marlene" Remus defended. Sirius blushed up even more, making Mary giggle. "Well, what are we waiting for?! Let's get her back to the castle!" Alice cheered. "Oh yes! Yes! God I've missed that place!" Mary squealed, jumping up excitedly. The group began gathering their trunks, chatting excitedly as they began to board. Just as the train whistle blew, Sirius jumped up onto the train behind Remus. As their friends continued into their compartments, they stood back in the hallway. "In about 15, bathrooms?" Remus smirked, rubbing Sirius's cheek. Sirius nodded, biting his lip. "I love it when you bite your lip" Remus chuckled. "It'll be our secret code if you love it so much...left side for when I want a kiss, right side for when I want sex" Sirius whispered, batting his eyelashes slightly. Remus groaned, pushing Sirius forward. "Get in there before I strip you right here" he demanded. Sirius laughed as he entered the compartment, followed by Remus.

Hogwarts Castle, 9 pm

Sirius almost tripped, rushing behind his boyfriend. "R-Remus!" He called, straightening his tie. They had just barely missed dinner. Remus decided instead of eating food he'd rather eat out Sirius instead. And Sirius couldn't just say no. Not to that. "Hurry Sirius, if someone sees-!" "I told you that when you dragged me upstairs!". The two reached the Great Hall doors, both still fixing up their uniforms. Remus grabbed Sirius's cheek, kissing his lips. Sirius placed his hands against the Hall doors, trying to break from Remus's lips. "Welcome! Welcome!" Headmaster Dumbledore boomed. Remus pulled back finally, letting Sirius catch his breath. "Shit-Headmaster Dumbledore-!" Remus sighed, pushing open the doors quickly. Sirius almost tripped as he spun around, racing behind Remus. As Dumbledore began his typical speech, the two boys rushed over to Gryffindor table. Taking their typical seats by James and Peter. "Think anyone noticed we were gone?" Sirius asked, looking anxiously over his shoulder. "Ahem! We did!" James snapped. Remus quickly turned around, facing his friends once more. Sirius didn't though, he was locking eyes with someone else. His brother.

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