"Welcome To The City Of Lies"

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Warnings: Underaged Drinking, Death Eater Attack, a bit of crying/worrying, and mentions of blood. THAT'S ALL!
(Also a scene is inspired by the Story of Tonight scene from Hamilton!

July 5th, 1978

"Well...I think it's repulsive enough to the point no one would want to come here!" Marlene offered. The Marauders all agreed solemnly with her. They were standing in the new Order safe house, where they were to be living. Well, for the time being. "It's terrible" Alice tutted. "It's nothing we can't fix!" Lily scoffed, flicking her wrist mockingly. "You sure, Lils? It's really bad!" James joked, scrunching up his face in disgust. Lily huffed, rolling her eyes sarcastically. "Well, if it helps any I made a mockup of the structuring floor plan! So I could map out the best places for everyone's rooms!" Remus interjected. "NERD!" Marlene shouted. Sirius gasped, turning to Marlene dramatically. "Don't talk to my Fiancé that way!" he sneered, narrowing his eyes at Marlene. Who stuck her tongue out back at him. Remus sighed, smirking to himself. "We're never going to hear the end of that!" Alice giggled. "Nope, never!" Peter agreed. Sirius turned back to Remus, snuggling close to him as he held his hand. "Anyways! James, Lily you are in the first room on the left, followed by Marlene and Dorcas, and Alice and Frank! Then Sirius and I's/Guest room, Mary's room, and then Pete you're the last one on the right!" Remus directed.

"Sounds good to me!" Mary shrugged. Frank chuckled happily with her. James looked at Remus, smirking playfully. "Wait a minute! I thought Dumbledore said only Order members were allowed to live here?!" he teased, raising his eyebrows teasingly. "Oh fuck off James!" Remus snapped, punching his arm aggressively. "Ow?!" James laughed, holding his arm. Their friends began laughing, Sirius shoving James back jokingly. "I say, we go out tonight, celebrate our final night of ordinary before the war takes over our lives!" Remus sighed, instantly jumping to change the subject. Lily gasped sarcastically, looking at Remus. "Remus John Lupin wants to go out?!" she smirked. "Drinking?" Dorcas clarified. "Oh come on guys, it's nothing new! This man is a borderline alcoholic!" Mary laughed, pointing to Remus. Remus huffed, rolling his eyes mockingly. "I mean I'm in! I'm always up for a drink...or ten!" James joked, elbowing Sirius playfully. Both boys were chuckling mischievously to each other. "I'm always down for drinking and drugs!" Marlene nodded, saluting to the air jokingly. "Well if she's in then we all are too" Dorcas sighed, shrugging. The girls all cheered as they huddled together. "And I'm not being the only one sober!" Frank teased, rolling his eyes.

Sirius took Remus's hand in his, smiling sweetly at him. "And maybe if you're lucky...you'll know what it's like to be fucked by your Fiancé..." Remus teased. "Oh, you spoil me, my Love..." Sirius replied, biting his lip flirtatiously. Remus snickered, lifting Sirius' chin with his finger. "BOO!" Marlene called out. The others quickly joined her, all boo-ing Remus and Sirius. "Oh fuck off pussy licker!" Sirius snapped, giving Marlene the finger. "Who are you calling pussy licker-you dick sucker?!" Marlene laughed, raising her eyebrows jokingly at Sirius. Sirius made a move for her, but Remus quickly grabbed him. Wrapping his arms around Sirius's waist to restrain him. "Alright-Alright, are we getting shit-faced or what?!" James called, holding his arms out at the two gays. "Yes-indeed! I'll call up Reggie and the boys!" Lily cheered. "And Pandora!" Dorcas added. "AND AMY!" Sirius finished. Lily held a thumbs up as she ran into the kitchen and towards the phone. "Alright, one and final wild night Marauders, so let's make it WORTH IT!" James chanted, cupping his hands around his mouth. The group all broke into cheers, pumping their fists and laughing wildly.

Midnight, Potter bedroom

The four Marauders were sprawled together on the floor of James and Lily's new room. With the accompaniment of a sleeping Regulus resting on James's legs. "I have never seen him so content while sleeping!" Sirius laughed, before sipping his beer. James chuckled, shrugging playfully as he ran his fingers through Regulus's soft hair. "I'm just glad he's sleeping at all...Barty told me he's been pacing about these past few days..." James replied. Sirius sighed, nodding slowly. "Whatever for?" Peter wondered. James shrugged back, glancing up at his friends. "Probably some sodding Death Eater bullshit!" Remus growled, setting aside his cigarette. Which Sirius then promptly took a smoke from. "This is going to be challenging...and not just for him, for everyone...we can't stay little forever" James offered. Peter nodded sadly, pressing his beer to his lips. "Well, in that case" Sirius huffed, grabbing his drink once more. He toasted it above his head, smiling at his mates. "I, Padfoot, resident hottest of the Marauders, offer a toast!" he announced. Remus rolled his eyes sarcastically as he picked up his glass. James and Peter laughed as they followed suit.

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