''The World Can Fuck Off Right Now''

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Warnings: A bit of sexual joking, mentions of terminally ill parents, physical violence, fighting/arguing, forceful flirting upon someone, mentions of past sexual abuse/rape, a bit of crying, the story of Remus's werewolf attack, underage drinking, and mention of war (because duh)

December 10th 1977

"Why'd we come out here again?!" James asked, turning to Sirius again. Sirius scoffed, kicking the snow in front of him lazily. "I don't know-I guess I wanted some air!" Sirius shrugged. The two boys were walking down Hogsmeade, warm butterbeer in their hands. "And so you wanted me instead of Remus? Wow-I have to admit I've given up on my importance a long time ago!" James teased. "Oh fuck off!" Sirius scoffed, shoving James slightly. James laughed, sipping his butterbeer happily. "I love being with Moony, he's my love, but I...I don't know, he was asleep upstairs and I-I guess I just wanted to be with you!" Sirius answered truthfully. "Well lucky you, I'm always up for alone time with you!" James cheered, wrapping an arm around the shorter boy. Sirius chuckled, hugging James as well. "You guys have been better since your birthday, I have to admit it was kind of a shit show!" James smirked. "Hey?! I planned that party back to front-I made it a shit show, thank you!" Sirius defended. "It wasn't a compliment, but you're welcome!" James replied. Sirius scowled teasingly at James. "I still cannot believe you slept with my brother" Sirius growled. "Hey-you told me too!" "I was drunk James!" "And so was I!".

Sirius rolled his eyes, smirking at James. "Besides I did it with both of 'em, as you asked kept him out of your hair! You're welcome!" James added. "But he's my baby brother!" Sirius cringed. "The way he moves you'd think he's your older brother!" James marveled. Sirius punched James in the chest, making James laugh as he pulled back from Sirius. "Ew?! What the fuck James?!" Sirius shrieked. "Gods, quiet down! Merlin's Beard!" James chuckled, rubbing the sore part of his chest. Sirius groaned, walking ahead. "Oh-Okay Okay, Sirius! Wait-I'm sorry!" James sighed, rushing after him. When he caught up, Sirius was kneeling beside one of Hogsmeade flower bushes, marveling at it. "Ah, found a nice one then?" James smiled. "Mhm, Christmas Roses" Sirius muttered. The tiny white flowers were glittering in the street light, covered in soft powdery snow. "They're beautiful Pads" James complimented. James did poke fun at Sirius's flower knowledge from time to time, but he was always the first to compliment a flower if Sirius found it pretty. Which was every flower. "Regulus likes these-maybe you should bring them on your first date!" Sirius gasped, looking back at James. James rolled his eyes, making Sirius laugh. "I'm not courting your brother, Merlin's sake!" James scoffed. "Courting?! What is this 1852?!" Sirius teased, standing once more.

The two boys return to walking, nearing the shack. "You think Filch has people patrol Hogsmeade at night for him?" James wondered. "Who cares?!" Sirius scoffed. "I don't know-we're out way past curfew!" James shrugged, chuckling slightly. "Whatever, honestly!" Sirius huffed, rolling his eyes. James looked over at him, taking in Sirius's attitude. And it's drastic shift. "Hey...you feeling alright?" James muttered. He held Sirius's arm, preventing them from walking further. "I'm fine..." Sirius lied. James raised his eyebrow, making Sirius sigh. James has always been one of the people who could see right through him. "No one who is actually fine says "I'm fine"!" James corrected. "But I am fine!" Sirius defended. James chuckled a bit, Sirius shoving him once more. "So what, I'm fine okay?!" "Oh, Padfoot-come on!". James slung an arm around Sirius again, and Sirius relaxed. "You've been my best mate for nearly a decade, you can talk to me about anything!" James assured.

Sirius groaned dramatically, making James laugh. "Fine! Fine Fine Fine, I'll tell you!" Sirius snapped. "I'm waiting!" James smirked. Sirius sighed, crossing his arms. "I'm terrified okay...there I said it!" Sirius admitted. James smiled at Sirius, patting his shoulder gently. "And I don't know what's going to happen...who I'm going to lose or what'll happen to me and I hate it!" Sirius grunted. "There is really nothing we can do, Pads...I mean...except train and count our prayers?" James shrugged. "Exactly why I'm freaking out..." Sirius muttered. James sighed, rubbing Sirius' arm comfortingly. "Look...we are the strongest Gryffindor group this school has ever known-we've got Remus and Lily, the brightest of our age, you and Marlene got some pretty great street smarts, and then me and Peter are just loyal till the end!" James explained. Sirius nodded, looking back at James solemnly. "You've got nothing to worry about, this year is still going to rock!" James cheered. "Yeah, I suppose" Sirius smiled, rolling his eyes. James wrapped his arm around Sirius, continuing forward once more. They reached the edge of Hogsmeade, where the shops faded out and the castle returned to view. Right outside the shake, in all this mystical glory.

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