Summer 1977 (Part Two)

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Warnings: Wolfstar fighting, mention of abuse/types of abuse, and sexual situations

July 17th, 1977

"I mean I love Remus but you know your sex life is something that should be private, he at least could have asked you first!" Lily scoffed, adjusting her sunglasses. "Right?!" Sirius snapped, resting his arm under his head. Lily shook her head, facing the pool once more. They were both sprawled on lawn chairs, resting on top of the Evans's pool deck in the hot sun. "You sure this tanning shit is real? Seems like a ruse to me!" Sirius wondered, looking over at Lily. His red sunglasses blocked her just a bit. "Muggles do it all the time-I've seen it work! Although I'm a ginger so my skin is fairer than yours!" she shrugged. Sirius looked up once more, shutting his eyes. "Alright tell me more about this Oliver kid!" Lily insisted, shifting in her seat a bit. "Ugh-he's so annoying! Says he and Remus have been friends since primary school-meaning before the bite, and Remus was five when he got bit-who starts school at five?!" Sirius scoffed. "Muggles do" Lily giggled. Sirius huffed, rolling his eyes. "I might apparate to Italy and kill him before he gets the chance to take Remus from me!" Sirius huffed. Lily sat up, removing her sunglasses as she faced Sirius. "Take Remus?! Are you kidding?!" she laughed. "No-Lily?!" Sirius whined, sitting up as well. Lily let out a loud laugh, tossing her hands up dramatically.

"You actually are retarded!" "Who's retarded?". James appeared, walking up the porch steps with a tray of snacks and drinks in his hand. "Your idiotic best friend!" Lily smirked, sliding on her flip-flops. James scoffed, setting down the tray between the two. "What did you do now?!" James teased, tossing his hands to his hips. "Nothing! I don't want to be broken up with!" Sirius yelled. James turned to Lily, smirking at her. "What's he talking about?!" "That kid Remus is friends with-the Italian one!". "Oh right, Oliver-!" James remembered. "Yeah, Oliver Shitman!" Sirius muttered, crossing his arms. "Goodman!" "Whatever!". Lily giggled, picking up her glass of lemonade. "Jealous much?!" James smiled, grabbing his drink too. "I don't get jealous!" Sirius corrected. Lily burst into giggles, making James laugh as well. "You guys?! This isn't funny-first he spills all our sex life and secrets to this kid-then doesn't call me about it! He's acting differently!" Sirius worried. "Why are you so worried-the dickhead lives in Venice! Once Remus is home, he'll forget all about him!" James assured, sitting down beside Lily. "He did it once!" Lily added. Sirius nodded, looking away for a moment. "Now, both of you, shut your mouths and let me relax before the rest of you show up!" Lily sighed, sliding on her sunglasses as she laid down once more.

Sirius and James smirked at each other. Then back at Lily. They both stood up, setting aside their drink and glasses before grabbing Lily's arms. Lily screamed as they picked her up, dragging her towards the edge of the pool. "NO-No No NO!" she squealed. The two boys pushed her in, watching her fall back into the pool. Sirius held onto James, covering his mouth as he laughed. Lily resurfaced, brushing her soaking hair out of her face. "Oh, you sick bastards!" she yelled, smacking her hands on the water. "Oh come on Lily you know we had to!" James smiled. "Yeah-like this!" Sirius shrugged. He then pushed James in, making Lily laugh as James smacked the water. Sirius giggled, placing his hands on his hips playfully. James emerged, flipping his hair around like a wet dog. "Ah-JAMES!" Lily shrieked, shielding her face. "Ha Ha-James and Lily soaking in the pool, K-I-S-S-I-N-G!" Sirius taunted. "Your turn then, asshole!" James snapped. Sirius shrugged, crossing his arms. "Yeah, no, I don't really do chlorine-!" "What's that?! Oh, Remus is calling-I should go answer it-!" "OKAY ALRIGHT! I'm coming!". James and Lily laughed as Sirius sat down on the edge of the pool, sliding into the water gracefully. "Holy fuck Evans, warm up your pool!" he gasped. "Sure, your highness!" Lily nodded, splashing him. Sirius gasped, instantly splashing her back. "HEY I'M SWIMMING HERE?!" James shouted. He splashed them both back, earning him a team-up against him.

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