Spring Break 1978 (Part Two)

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Warnings: Sexual scenario/smut scene, attempted sexual assault (TW!!!!!), fighting/physical violence, crying/guilt, and underage partying/drinking. THEME WARNING FOR THE FIRST PART OF THIS CHAPTER!!!!
(Also, the last scenes at the bar are inspired from the movie Footloose from 2011)

Lupin Household, 8 pm

"Hi!" Sirius cheered, walking through the front door. The Lupins didn't even have to open the door for him anymore, that's how often he's here. "Oh Hello, son-in-law!" Hope cheered, scrubbing down her baking tools in the sink. Lyall waved, wiping down the kitchen island. "Is it spring cleaning day then?" Sirius giggled, tossing his bag onto one of the barstools. "Well, for us, living with a hormonal werewolf, Spring Cleaning happens twice a week!" Lyall teased. "Dad?! What the fuck?!" Remus shouted, shutting his bedroom door. Sirius turned around, smiling brightly as Remus rushed down the stairs. "Why is it every time I'm not around you say that most embarrassing shit to my boyfriend?!" Remus scoffed, jumping off the bottom step. "Moony!" Sirius cheered, rushing toward him. Remus chuckled, holding out his arm for Sirius. Sirius ducked underneath it and hugged Remus happily. "Hello Baby, sorry about my annoyingly nosy parents!" Remus snapped. Hope blew Remus a kiss, Lyall chuckling with his wife. "Come, baby, let's go on upstairs ok?" Remus suggested, pressing a kiss to Sirius's head. "Okay!" Sirius agreed. He used his wand to summon his bag, and then followed Remus upstairs.

"So-how has your break been so far?" Remus smiled, locking his door behind them. "UGH! Moony you have no idea-fucking Regulus trying to steal my best friend, with his cute shit!" Sirius groaned, throwing himself down on Remus's bed. "Oh really?" Remus teased, grabbing his sweater from his desk chair. Sirius held up his arms, Remus tossing the sweater to him. "It can't be that bad, at least Regulus is having fun around us now! That annoying prick!" Remus scoffed. "Don't call him that!" Sirius reminded, sitting up once more. "Whatever!" Remus mocked, rolling his eyes. Sirius giggled, snuggling the sweater in his arms. "Mum and I were looking at these house listings in the paper yesterday-and there's this old Victorian mansion right at the other end of the Hollow, you have to see it Moons, it's so pretty!" Sirius exclaimed. "Oh yeah, dream house secured then?" Remus joked, sitting beside Sirius. "I just pictured the baby running through the front yard the entire time I was staring at the picture!" Sirius shrugged, resting his chin on Remus's shoulder. "How was dress shopping?" Remus wondered. "Oh so fun, the dresses the girls got-they're perfect!" Sirius cheered. "Well, I can't wait to see them!" Remus smiled.

"Wait till you see my outfit-it's the best thing ever!" Sirius gasped, standing up once more. His dress flowed behind him softly. "Oh really? Decided against a dress then, sweetheart?" Remus assumed, resting back on his arms a bit. "Yeah-but I'm not wearing a suit, because barf, I'm never wearing a three-piece ever again! That's Regulus's thing!" Sirius gagged. Remus laughed, rolling his eyes sarcastically. "I bet with whatever you wear, Darling, you'll look stunning" Remus complimented. Sirius smiled, biting his lip slightly. Remus tilted his head, narrowing his eyes at Sirius. "What?" "What?!". Remus sighed, standing once more. Sirius looked up at him innocently, making Remus smirk. "You think after nearly four years of dating I can't tell your "Fuck Me" face from a mile away?" Remus asked, wrapping his arms around Sirius's waist. "I don't have a 'fuck me' face!" Sirius objected. "So what's the lip biting then, Princess?" Remus whispered. Sirius blushed up a bit, biting his lip instinctively. "Mhm, there it is" "Oh shut up!". Remus laughed, tucking a strand of hair behind Sirius's ear.

"I did write you a note...when I was out shopping" Sirius slurred, running his hands across Remus's chest. "Oh really?" Remus smirked. "Mhm" Sirius hummed, biting his lip. Remus chuckled, nodding his head slowly. "And where is this...note?" Remus wondered. Sirius stepped back from Remus, dropping his arms. "You'll have to find it..." he teased. He then returned to Remus's bed, sitting down on the edge. Setting his arms behind him and leaning back against them. Remus groaned, shutting his eyes for a second. "Come on...don't keep me waiting, Moony..." Sirius pouted. Rubbing his foot up the inside of Remus's leg. Remus stepped away from Sirius, walking around his bed. Sirius kept his focus on the bedroom door, no matter how hard it was to not look back behind him. Remus climbed into the bed, placing a hand against Sirius's throat. Sirius hummed letting his head fall back as his eyes fluttered shut. "Why don't you give me a hint...as to where you hid it?" Remus whispered, biting slightly on Sirius's ear. "Hm-it's-it's somewhere on me-" Sirius breathed. "On you hm?" Remus clarified. He pulled his hand away, slowly dragging it down Sirius's collar and chest. Sirius's hands fisted the sheet under him as Remus's hand slipped under the fabric of his top. "It's not here is it?" Remus asked, running his fingers across Sirius's tattoos and nipples.

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