''Someone Has Fucked Us Over...''

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Warnings: Full moon, telling Snape about the tree, yelling, fighting, screaming, crying (yada yada atp XD), and Remus gets physically violent against Sirius so beware of that!

Sirius and Lily had a long, deep conversation about what happened. Sirius apologized for pushing Snape to use such words, Lily apologized for some of the things she said as well. Remus didn't come to get Sirius like he thought he would. But Sirius felt relieved that he wouldn't have to face Remus's brutal force of anger. James was correct, Remus was a really angry person. And Sirius should've known that, once in third year they pulled a prank so bad on the Slytherins that Remus told them they'd be charged as war criminals in the muggle world. Remus didn't visit that summer, they had to give him the vacation to cool off. But they were friends again afterward, but Sirius was terrified they wouldn't be. Mary comforted Sirius through his fears, Marlene and Alice brought food up from the kitchens and they pigged out. Gossiping as per usual from the past few weeks. Sirius slept in his own bed for the first time in a couple of weeks, but actually, it felt nice, warm even. Alone. Maybe that wasn't so bad. Maybe he could learn that sometimes you just...have to be alone.

June 23rd, 1976

Sirius stood outside the Great Hall, waiting for Remus, James, and Peter. They all had separate classes before lunch, so they'd wait outside for each other. And who else waits outside for their friends during lunch? Regulus. He was by the doors to the castle, flipping through his textbook when...Snape appeared. Sirius looked up, catching the greasy prick from the corner of his eye. Snape grabbed Regulus's arm, whispering furiously at him. Regulus rolled his eyes, snapping something back at Snape as he ripped his arm away. Snape then leaned closer to Regulus, whispering something else...that made Regulus's eyes widen. Sirius froze, uncrossing his stiff arms. Regulus saw him, flashing his eyes from his brother to Snape. Regulus mouthed something like "You certain?" and Snape shrugged, glancing back at Sirius. Sirius frowned, glaring at the two. Regulus nodded to Snape, muttering another few words. Then finally, Snape backed off. Sirius scoffed, pushing himself off the wall and marching over to his brother. Regulus sighed as he approached, sliding his book into his bag. "Having fun talking about me huh?!" Sirius snapped. "For fucks sake Sirius, not everything is about you!" Regulus growled.

Sirius rolled his eyes, crossing his arms again. "And what the hell is on your face?!" Regulus scoffed. "Makeup, get over yourself! What did Snape tell you?!" Sirius demanded. Regulus rolled his eyes as well, much more elegantly than his brother. "Why does it concern you?" Regulus asked. "Because I saw you slimy bastards looking back at me! What did he tell you?!" Sirius fumed. Regulus smirked, stepping back from Sirius. "I got to find Evan" he answered. He went to leave, but Sirius grabbed Regulus, pinning him against the stone wall behind them. 'Unhand me you-!" "Tell me what he said!". Regulus snickered, smirking up at Sirius. "A little secret about that lovely boyfriend of yours" Regulus hissed. Sirius pushed Regulus harder against the stone. "You leave him alone! You hear me bitch?!" Sirius warned. "What are you going to do Sirius?! Make out with him?!" Regulus teased. Sirius was digging his painted fingernails into Regulus's arm, the angrier he got. "Leave him alone!" Sirius repeated. "Why should I listen to you, you clearly didn't listen to Evans when she said to leave Severus alone!" Regulus snapped.

"At least I didn't call her a MudBlood!" Sirius whispered. Regulus let out a laugh, looking away from Sirius. "Such vulgar vocabulary, Gryffindor!" Regulus joked. "You want to hear some vulgar vocabulary, you little cunt!" Sirius threatened. Regulus finally pushed Sirius back, releasing his arms. "I am not about to be forced to spill my personal business with someone whose tongue wrestles with half of Hogwarts!" Regulus yelled, straightening his jumper. "You do anything to Remus, and I'll hunt you down!" "Seems you're not the only one who hunts then huh?". Sirius's eyes widened, looking at Regulus carefully. "Didn't Lupin read the rules? No Hairy Beasts allowed" Regulus shrugged. "What are you talking about?" Sirius muttered. "Oh, come on Sirius, it's as plain as the nose on your face! Lupin is a werewolf!" Regulus shouted. Sirius launched himself at his brother, clasping his hands over Regulus's mouth. Regulus grunted, smacking back against the wall. "Shut your fat mouth! What does Snape want from us huh?! Revenge?!" Sirius hissed. "I don't know!" Regulus answered, his voice muffled. "Don't lie!" "I only act like I know everything, Black!".

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