Chapter 66 : flowers of apology

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With the bouquet clutched in my hand, I slipped into Charlotte's office, moving with the discretion of a shadow. The room was empty, with no presence but my own. Taking care not to disturb anything, I approached Charlotte's desk, the bouquet a silent offering of remorse and desire.

With a gentle hand, I placed it on the polished surface, arranging the flowers in a delicate apology. A brief moment of hesitation came over me, accompanied by a hint of doubt, but I quickly quelled it with determination.

As I dove into work, my attention was divided between the tasks at hand and the silent plea I'd left on Charlotte's desk. My fingers moved across the keyboard with disconcerting ease, but my mind kept wandering to Charlotte and the bouquet I'd left for her. Every minute that passed seemed like an eternity as I glanced towards her vacant desk, hoping for some sign of her arrival.

Finally, I spotted her approaching, a figure full of grace and poise. Dressed in a simple yet elegant outfit - a fitted blouse paired with tailored pants - she gave off an air of effortless sophistication. In her hand, she held a steaming cup of coffee.

As Charlotte drew closer to her desk, I stole a discreet glance in her direction, my heart pounding with a mixture of hope and anxiety. As she approached the bouquet I had left, I could see a flicker of confusion crossing her features, her brow furrowing slightly as she beheld the unexpected gift.

With a sense of trepidation, I watched as she set down her belongings and reached out to gingerly pick up the bouquet, cradling it in her hands as she studied it intently

Her gaze swept over the bouquet, I held my breath, watching for any sign of recognition. Then, her eyes fell upon the small note bearing my name, and she turned her head in my direction. Caught off guard, I met her gaze, feeling a flush of embarrassment coloring my cheeks.

With deliberate movements, Charlotte picked up the bouquet and made her way to the waste bin, depositing it inside without a word. My heart sank as I watched the flowers disappear from sight, a tangible symbol of my failed attempt to reach out to her.

Seating herself at her desk, Charlotte reached for the remote control, her actions deliberate and controlled. With a press of a button, the blinds descended, casting the room in shadow.

The sigh escaped me involuntarily, but I forced myself to accept the situation. Perhaps my gesture had been too bold, too sudden. I leaned heavily against the back of my chair, letting out a soft sigh of resignation. It was clear that I still had a long way to go to set things right between us.

After a few hours of work filled with meetings and emails, the lunch break finally arrived. P'sun and I made our way to the company cafeteria, engaging in casual conversation along the way. As we entered the bustling cafeteria, I headed towards the food counters, opting for a simple meal of water and salad. P'sun followed suit, scanning the room for an empty table.

Suddenly, my attention was drawn to a familiar sight across the room: Charlotte and Davika were seated together at a table, engaged in conversation. Heidi and Tina were nearby, adding to the small group. With a deep breath, I made a decision and guided P'sun towards their table.

As we approached, I could feel the weight of everyone's gaze on us. Tina and Heidi exchanged a brief glance, their expressions betraying a hint of discomfort. Nevertheless, I remained composed as we took our seats a few chairs away from them.

Starting to eat, P'sun continued chatting away, seemingly oblivious to the tension in the air. Meanwhile, Heidi cleared her throat and offered a tentative smile in my direction. "Are you only having salad, Ms. Waraha?" She glanced at her own plate piled high with fries, a burger, and a glass of coke, prompting giggles from Tina and P'sun.

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