Chapter 22 : strained relations

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As the days and weeks passed, I found myself increasingly overwhelmed. Engfa wasted no time in piling on the workload, expecting everything to be perfected within tight deadlines. The pressure she placed on me was relentless. I barely had time to spend evenings with Mew anymore, as I found myself buried in projects assigned by Engfa. I couldn't shake the feeling that this might be Engfa's way of seeking revenge.

Despite my attempts, Engfa continued to avoid any discussion with me. It had been weeks since our last interaction, marked by her hurtful words. Part of me wanted to confront her, but another part feared that it would only worsen the situation.

For now, I decided to give her space, hoping things would eventually improve. However, it seemed that Engfa took pleasure in loading me with work, adding to the strain of an already tense situation.

P'sun entered my office, his warm demeanor contrasting sharply with the tension in the air. "Hey, Charlotte, have you finished the marketing reports Engfa asked for?" he inquired kindly.

I let out a heavy sigh, running a hand through my hair before resting my head in my hands. "I barely even started," I confessed, feeling the weight of the workload bearing down on me. P'sun's expression softened with understanding. "I get it, Charlotte. Engfa's been piling it on pretty thick lately," he remarked sympathetically. "Take your time, okay? Don't stress yourself out too much." His words offered a small sense of relief in the midst of the chaos.

Turning away from my cluttered desk, burdened by Engfa's never-ending demands, I found myself staring out of the window. The city below buzzed with its usual hustle and bustle, completely oblivious to the chaos brewing within me. Despite putting on a brave face, there was this nagging feeling of something missing, like a hole in my chest that I couldn't quite fill.

Lost in thought, I wondered what was eating at me. Was it the weight of past mistakes or the uncertainty of what lay ahead? Whatever it was, it left me feeling hollow, like I was missing out on something important.

Shaking off the heavy thoughts, I pushed back from my desk with determination. I needed a break, something to clear my mind and recharge my batteries. So, with a sigh, I decided to head to the break room for a much-needed cup of coffee. Maybe the caffeine would give me the kick I needed to tackle the mountain of work waiting for me.

As I made my way to the coffee station, reports clutched tightly in hand to waste no precious seconds, I found myself caught up in a conversation with some colleagues who were also feeling the strain. It seemed like Engfa's pressure tactics were taking a toll on everyone, and I couldn't help but agree. If she kept this up, she'd end up ruling over an empty office, with everyone else driven away by her relentless demands.

But despite the grumbling, none of us dared to speak up. The pay was just too good to risk rocking the boat. So, we soldiered on, drowning our frustrations in caffeine and idle chatter, hoping that one day things might change.

As I walked to my office, I was zoned out, lost in the chaos of my thoughts. Unaware of the world around me, I didn't notice Engfa until it was too late. Our collision was worthy of a burlesque comedy: my coffee went flying, creating a dark, sticky mess on her impeccable white blouse. Before my horrified eyes, I could feel the blood draining from my face. Engfa stood there, stunned, coffee dripping down her shirt.

Crap, not again. I seriously need to watch where I'm going. I hurriedly apologized and scrambled to help clean up the spilled coffee, the thought of Engfa eventually firing me for my clumsiness lingered in the back of my mind, adding an extra layer of anxiety to the situation.

"Watch where you're going!" Engfa's voice boomed, her irritation palpable as she dabbed at the coffee stain on her blouse. "This is unacceptable!"

"Sorry, Ms. Waraha, I didn't see you there," I stammered, trying to salvage the situation. "Let me help clean that up."

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