Chapter 42 : a midnight call

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I woke up as the first light of dawn filtered through the curtains, the vestiges of our passionate night still floating in the air. Gently, I shifted in bed, feeling the warmth of Engfa's body pressed against mine, her arms encircling me tightly.

With a sigh of satisfaction, I turned slightly to glance over my shoulder, meeting Engfa's serene gaze as she slept peacefully beside me. The slight movements of her chest, the faint sound of her breathing, reminded me of the intimacy we had shared.

With a rush of memories flooding my mind, I suddenly recalled the tender moment when I had whispered those three simple words to Engfa. A smile tugged at the corners of my lips as I traced the contours of her face with gentle fingertips, savoring the warmth of her presence beside me. In that fleeting instant, it dawned on me that I had bared my soul to her, laying bare the depths of my affection without reservation.

Leaning down, I pressed a tender kiss to Engfa's forehead, silently expressing the depths of my feelings for her. Then, with careful movements so as not to disturb her slumber, I eased myself from the bed and made my way to the bathroom. The soft patter of water against tile filled the room as I stepped into the shower, letting the warm cascade wash away the remnants of the night.

Standing on the large balcony, the crisp early autumn air brushing my skin, I couldn't help but marvel at New York's bustling cityscape below. Despite the chill, the warmth of the morning sun enveloped me in a comforting embrace as I awaited the arrival of our room service breakfast.

As I busied myself with a glass of orange juice, footsteps sounded behind me and I felt Engfa's familiar presence at my side. A gentle smile played across my lips as she wrapped her arms around me, resting her head gently on my shoulder before placing a tender kiss on my cheek.

"Good morning," I replied, the affectionate gesture warming my heart as I turned to meet her gaze. "Did you sleep well?

Engfa settled into her seat with a contented sigh, "It was the best night of my life," she confessed, a radiant smile gracing her lips as she took a sip of her orange juice.

My cheeks turned a rosy hue and I nodded my head in assent. "Yes, that was something," I admitted.

As I looked at her, I couldn't help but admire her beauty. Her features were both delicate and strong, and her smile lit up the place. Her lovely dimples always made my heart skip a beat. I lost myself in admiration, realizing how lucky I was to wake up every morning to such a sight. Engfa was truly beautiful, inside and out.

Engfa's gaze lingered on me for a few moments, a gentle smile forming on her lips as she studied my face.

Finally, I tore my eyes from hers and glanced down at my plate before looking back up at her, "What?" I asked.

Engfa's smile widened as she savored every bite of the delicious breakfast. The morning sun danced in her eyes, accentuating their warmth. She turned her attention back to me, her lips curving into a playful smile. "So, you love me, huh?" she asked, her tone light but full of curiosity.

As Engfa's gaze bore into mine, I could feel my cheeks growing warmer by the second. Avoiding her eyes, I focused intently on my plate, tracing the patterns of the food with feigned interest. With a nervous laugh, I finally mustered the courage to respond. "Well, it's not exactly a surprise, is it?" I admitted, feeling a rush of vulnerability wash over me.

Her smile only widened at my reply, and I could sense her amusement even without meeting her eyes. "I've never been good at hiding how I feel, especially when it comes to you." I continued, my voice softening as I met her gaze.

Engfa's smile turned into a grin as she leaned closer, her voice becoming a conspiratorial whisper. "I know, and I'm pretty sure the whole hotel knows now too," she said with an amused tone.

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