Chapter 8 : unraveling emotions

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The meeting room emptied, leaving only me and Engfa in its wake. An uncomfortable silence settled between the two of us, thick with unspoken tension. Engfa remained absorbed in her reports, seemingly oblivious to the atmosphere she had created.

Breaking the silence, I cleared my throat, my voice steady despite the unease in my chest. "I need some explanations," I stated firmly, my eyes fixed on Engfa.

Engfa, still engrossed in her work, offered no response, her silence a frustrating barrier between us. Growing impatient, I pressed on, my tone tinged with urgency as I repeated my request.

"Engfa, are you listening?" I pressed, the urgency creeping into my tone.

Finally, Engfa looked up, her gaze cold and unyielding. "Your reports are inadequate," she stated bluntly, her words hitting me like a slap.

Stunned, I felt a surge of anger rising within me. "I need more than that," I insisted, my frustration bubbling to the surface.

Engfa's temper flared in response, her voice sharp with irritation. "I'm the boss here, Charlotte. You don't get to question me," she snapped, her tone laced with authority.

My impatience growing by the second, as Engfa remained engrossed in her reports, ignoring my presence as if I were invisible.

"Can you please explain what's going on?" I asked, my frustration mounting. "Is this about what happened Friday night?"

The words tumbled out of my mouth, desperate for answers, but Engfa's response was a sarcastic laugh, a sharp contrast to the seriousness of the situation. It only fueled my frustration further, leaving me feeling more confused and lost than ever before.

"You think that matters?" she scoffed, dismissing my question with a wave of her hand.

"Look," I continued, my voice tinged with frustration, "I need answers. What's the problem here? I've worked tirelessly on these reports, and all I'm asking for is some feedback. You're my boss, Ms. Waraha. You're supposed to guide me, help me. I can't improve if you won't tell me what's wrong."

My words hung in the air, filled with a sense of urgency and desperation, hoping to break through Engfa's cold demeanor and elicit some semblance of understanding.

Engfa rose from her seat, her hands slamming onto the table between us, causing me to take a step back. The tension in the room was palpable as she retorted, her voice laced with anger.

"You think you can talk to me like this?" she seethed, her eyes flashing with irritation. "I can't believe this. If you're in this position, you should be capable of much more. I don't understand how HR even hired you." Her words stung, cutting deeper than I expected, and I struggled to maintain my composure in the face of her harsh critique.

"Leave my sight," she ordered, her tone final and uncompromising.

Despite Engfa's cutting remarks, I felt a surge of defiance rise within me. I refused to let her belittle me, especially in the face of such injustice.

"I've done my best," I retorted, my voice rising with indignation. "I've poured my heart and soul into my work, trying to meet your impossible standards. But it's never enough for you, is it? You always find something to criticize, something to tear down. Well, I won't stand for it anymore! I refuse to be treated like this, like I'm not good enough."

My frustration boiled over as I met Engfa's gaze, my eyes blazing with anger. "You may be my boss, but that doesn't give you the right to disrespect me like this. I deserve better than this, and I won't tolerate it any longer."

Engfa's silence spoke volumes, her usual composed demeanor crumbling in the face of my impassioned outburst. Her lips parted as if to respond, but no words came forth. With a heavy heart, I placed the reports on the table, shooting her one last glance before turning on my heel and storming out of the room, tears threatening to spill from my eyes. I refused to let Engfa see my weakness, even as my emotions threatened to overwhelm me.

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