Chapter 11 : a balancing act

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As I finished up earlier than expected, I made my way to the restaurant where I was meeting my best friends, Chompu and Nudee. It was a rare moment of respite, a chance to unwind after a long day filled with meetings and negotiations.

As I approached them, they greeted me with warm hugs, their affectionate gestures contrasting with my more reserved demeanor.

Chompu and Nudee couldn't resist teasing me about my aversion to hugs, a well-known quirk among our group.

"Come on, Engfa, give us a hug!" Chompu teased, reaching out her arms playfully.

"Yeah, don't be such a stoic businesswoman all the time," Nudee chimed in with a mischievous grin.

I chuckled, accustomed to their playful banter. "You know I'm not the touchy-feely type," I replied with a small smile, deflecting their attempts at affection.

"But Engfa, we're your best friends! You can't resist our charms," Chompu joked, nudging me gently.

"Fine, fine," I relented, giving them both quick, awkward hugs before pulling away with a hint of embarrassment. "Happy now?"

Chompu and Nudee burst into laughter, clearly amused by my discomfort. "That's the spirit, Engfa!" Nudee exclaimed, wiping away tears of mirth.

Despite my reluctance to embrace physical affection, their lighthearted teasing brought a smile to my face, reminding me of the enduring bond we shared as friends.

The conversation flowed effortlessly as we settled into our seats, catching up on each other's lives. Chompu and Nudee shared stories of their recent adventures, their laughter filling the air. I listened attentively, grateful for their company and the brief reprieve from the demands of work.

"So, Engfa, tell us about your day," Chompu prompted, her eyes sparkling with curiosity.

I hesitated for a moment, deliberating how much to disclose about my day filled with professional challenges and personal introspection. Ultimately, I decided to keep it light, glossing over the details of my meetings and instead focusing on the positive aspects.

"It was a busy day, as usual," I replied with a casual shrug. "But nothing I couldn't handle. And now, I'm just grateful to unwind with you two."

Chompu and Nudee exchanged knowing looks, but wisely dropped the subject, sensing my reluctance to discuss it further. Despite their teasing, I wasn't ready to divulge my complicated feelings about Charlotte to anyone, not even my closest friends.

As we sipped our drinks and chatted, the topic of conversation inevitably turned to work. I found myself mentioning Charlotte briefly in passing, only to realize my mistake as Chompu and Nudee exchanged knowing glances.

"Ah, Charlotte, right? The one from your office?" Chompu remarked, recalling their encounter at the Friday evening gathering.

Nudee leaned in, her curiosity piqued. "Hmm, sounds like Engfa might have a little crush," she teased, nudging me playfully.

I felt a flush of embarrassment creeping up my neck, quickly dismissing their insinuations. "No, it's nothing like that," I insisted, attempting to mask any hint of discomfort in my voice. "She's just a competent employee, that's all."

But Nudee just shook her head, her expression adamant. "No way, Engfa. The way you talked about her from day one, I knew she was more than just another employee to you. And at Friday's party, those lingering glances didn't go unnoticed."

I shook my head, dismissing Nudee's insinuations with a forced chuckle. "You're reading too much into it," I insisted, my tone firm. "Charlotte is just an employee, nothing more. Sure, I found her attractive when I first saw her, but that's all there is to it."

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