Chapter 40 : whispers of the heart

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The next day dawned with a heavy silence between Engfa and me. She had left for work early in the morning, her departure marked only by a brief note hastily scribbled on a piece of paper. Despite the banal nature of the message, the lack of warmth or affection spoke volumes.

Alone in the apartment, I found myself struggling with a sense of unease, the events of the previous night repeating in my mind like a broken record. With a sigh, I resigned myself to the task at hand, throwing myself into the chores that awaited me. Cleaning, grocery shopping—anything to keep my mind occupied and my thoughts from straying back to Engfa.

The day passed quickly, each minute seeming to stretch endlessly as I waited impatiently for Engfa's return. We exchanged a few messages throughout the day, simple words that barely scratched the surface of what needed to be discussed. Meanwhile, I also took a few moments to FaceTime my family in Thailand.

It had been months since I'd spoken to them, since my break-up with Mew. The idea of confronting them, knowing that Mew was still a beloved member of the family, filled me with an uneasy feeling.

I hadn't yet had the courage to tell them about our break-up, dreading their reaction, especially that of my mother, who had been looking forward to our marriage. I knew Mew hadn't said anything either, or I'd have been bombarded with calls from worried family members.

As I stood on the balcony, bathed in the soft evening light, I dialed my mother's number with a slight apprehension. When the connection finally established, her smiling face filled the screen, eliciting a faint smile from me despite my inner fears.

We exchanged updates, small talk, but when she asked where I was, her brow furrowed in confusion. She didn't recognize the surroundings, and I hesitated for a moment before answering, trying to brush off her concerns.

"It's just a friend's place, Mom," I said, forcing a smile.

But even as I reassured her, a nagging feeling of guilt tugged at my conscience. I knew I couldn't keep hiding the truth from them forever. Sooner or later, they would find out, and I would have to face the consequences of my choices. But for now, I pushed those thoughts aside, focusing instead on the present moment and the fleeting sense of normalcy that FaceTiming with my family brought.

My mother's question about the wedding preparations pierced through the facade of normalcy I had tried to maintain. "How are the wedding preparations going, dear?" she asked, her voice tinged with excitement. "And where is Mew right now? I haven't heard from him in a while."

I hesitated for a few seconds, my mind racing as I tried to process my mother's excitement about the wedding. Before I could gather my thoughts to respond, my mother interrupted me, her voice filled with enthusiasm.

"Oh, darling, we've been thinking about the perfect location for your wedding here in Thailand," she said, the excitement evident in her tone. "We can't wait to start planning everything! It's going to be absolutely magical."

My heart sank as I listened to my mother's words, feeling a knot form in my stomach. The thought of breaking the news about my separation with Mew suddenly felt insurmountable, especially when faced with my mother's genuine excitement for the wedding. I swallowed hard, the weight of my silence heavy upon me.

Unable to bring myself to shatter my mother's happiness, I forced a smile, my voice catching slightly as I replied, "That sounds amazing, Mom. I... I can't wait either."

Deep down, I knew that I couldn't keep the truth hidden forever. But in that moment, faced with my mother's joy and anticipation, I couldn't find the courage to confess the painful reality of my broken relationship. Instead, I buried my own feelings beneath a facade of false enthusiasm, the weight of my silence weighing heavily upon my shoulders.

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