Chapter 35 : revealing desires

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As Tina and I sat down for dinner, the familiar comfort of our favorite TV show playing in the background, I couldn't help but feel a sense of unease creeping in. While I enjoyed our usual routine, my mind kept drifting to Engfa. I knew she often worked late, and I found myself anxiously awaiting her call or text to let me know she was ready for me to join her at her place.

As I was lost in my thoughts, my phone buzzed with a message from Engfa. The simple words on the screen - "You can come over now" - sent a jolt of anticipation coursing through me. Suddenly, my heart quickened with the prospect of finally uncovering the mystery behind Engfa's serious demeanor.

With newfound determination, I bid Tina goodbye and made my way to the subway, each step propelling me closer to Engfa's doorstep. As the subway rattled along its tracks, I couldn't shake the nervous energy buzzing beneath my skin.

Standing in front of Engfa's door, I was filled with nervousness. Each passing second seemed like an eternity as I waited, my mind reeling with questions and uncertainties. Then, at last, the door opened, revealing Engfa on the other side, casually dressed in casual wear.

When our eyes met, a wave of relief washed over me. Despite the weight of the conversation that lay ahead between us, Engfa's relaxed demeanor put me slightly at ease. I smiled shyly, preparing myself for what awaited us inside.

Taking a seat on the stool behind the large table in the center of the kitchen, I watched as Engfa poured us both glasses of red wine. The atmosphere was thick with tension, and despite the comforting ambiance of her cozy apartment, neither of us seemed eager to break the silence.

Unable to bear the weight of the silence any longer, I took a deep breath, gathering my courage. "Engfa," I began, my voice betraying a hint of apprehension, "what did you want to talk to me about?"

Engfa's gaze lingered on me over the rim of her wine glass as she took a slow sip, her expression unreadable. Time seemed to stretch as she contemplated her response, leaving me hanging in suspense, uncertain of what she was about to say.

A chuckle escaped Engfa's lips as she observed the apprehension written all over my face. "Why are you so nervous, Charlotte?" she inquired, amusement dancing in her eyes. Her laughter eased some of the tension in the room, but I couldn't shake off the gnawing curiosity about the purpose of our meeting.

I let out a sigh of frustration, feeling the weight of uncertainty pressing down on me. "I don't know why I'm here. You asked me to come, why?" I replied, my patience wearing thin.

Engfa smiled as she handed me a small box. Confusion furrowed my brow as I accepted it, wondering what could be inside. With cautious curiosity, I lifted the lid and found a set of keys nestled within. My confusion deepened, and I turned to Engfa, searching her face for an explanation.

"What's this?" I asked, my voice betraying my perplexity. Engfa's smile remained enigmatic as she looked at me, as if waiting for me to make the connection.

She took a sip of her wine before speaking, her gaze thoughtful as she regarded me. "Those are the keys to an apartment I bought a while back," she explained calmly. "No one's been living there, and I thought... maybe you could use it."

Confusion clouded my thoughts as I stared at the keys nestled in the palm of my hand. "What do you mean?" I asked.

Engfa's words reached me, slowly soaking up their meaning. "I own a few apartments in New York that I rent out, and one of them became available recently," she explained, in a calm, measured tone. "I thought you might like to live there."

"You... own multiple apartments in New York?" I repeated, trying to wrap my head around the revelation. The idea that Engfa, with her seemingly endless workload and enigmatic demeanor, also managed a real estate portfolio caught me off guard.

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