Chapter 57 : lingering glances

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Engfa's presence seemed to command the room as she stood beside Davika, radiating confidence and grace. The applause that greeted her entry filled the space, accompanied by murmurs of welcome and admiration from the assembled colleagues. Engfa's smile, warm and genuine, spread across her face as she acknowledged the crowd.

Caught in the intensity of the moment, I couldn't help but steal glances at her, even as she addressed the room. However, Engfa's gaze didn't meet mine; instead, it was Davika's eyes that found mine, holding a look I couldn't quite decipher.

"I am delighted to see all of you again," she began, her voice carrying a sense of warmth and sincerity. "I want to extend my heartfelt thanks to each and every one of you for your hard work and dedication. It's truly remarkable to witness the results of your collective efforts."

Engfa's words, delivered with sincerity and gratitude, resonated throughout the room. "I'm delighted to be back among you all," she began, her voice commanding attention. "I would like to express my sincere gratitude to each and every one of you. Your hard work and dedication have led to the success we are celebrating today. I am particularly grateful to Davika for her outstanding leadership in my absence. Together, you have achieved remarkable results, and I look forward to continuing this journey with all of you".

Engfa's eyes met mine briefly, but just as quickly, they moved on to other people in the room as she continued her speech. Lost in my own thoughts, I found it hard to concentrate on her words. Engfa's unexpected return had awakened something in me, a mixture of emotions I hadn't anticipated. The idea of seeing her again had seemed so far away, and yet here she was, right in front of me.

As Engfa spoke, I couldn't help but wonder about the implications of her return. Would Davika step down now that Engfa was resuming her role as CEO? The uncertainty gnawed at me, and I glanced over at Davika, who was nodding along attentively to Engfa's words. Did she have any plans to leave now that Engfa was back in charge?

Lost in my thoughts, I hadn't noticed Mr. Alonzo calling my name at first. It took a nudge from Heidi to bring me back to the present moment. As I looked around, I realized that all eyes were on me, and I felt a flush of embarrassment rise to my cheeks. Clearing my throat, I straightened up in my chair, trying to regain my composure.

"Ms. Austin," Mr. Alonzo's voice called out again, this time more insistently, breaking through my reverie.

"Sorry, Mr. Alonzo," I said, feeling a bit flustered. "Could you please repeat your question?"

"Could you come up front and present to Ms. Waraha the upcoming objectives and financial marketing aspects you've been diligently working on?" Mr. Alonzo's voice cut through the room, drawing the attention of everyone present.

Feeling the weight of everyone's gaze on me, I took a deep breath, trying to steady my nerves. With a forced smile, I grabbed the documents and my laptop from the table and stood up, making my way to the front of the room. As I fumbled with the projector, unable to connect my laptop, a sense of panic crept in.

Suddenly, Davika appeared by my side, her presence instantly calming. With her help, we quickly sorted out the technical issue. I shot her a grateful smile and whispered a quiet "thank you." With her encouragement, I began to explain the financial marketing strategy and our goals for the upcoming year.

"Alright, everyone," I began, my voice gaining confidence as I spoke. "As you can see from the data here..." I glanced over at Davika, who nodded encouragingly. Her support gave me the boost I needed to continue, and I launched into the presentation, feeling more at ease with each passing moment.

As I spoke, I found myself avoiding Engfa's gaze, focusing instead on the others in the room, particularly Davika. Her attentive nods and supportive expressions gave me the reassurance I needed.

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