Chapter 1 : a fresh start

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At the age of twenty-four, freshly graduated, I woke up with a mix of excitement and apprehension. It marked the beginning of a new chapter in my life. After waiting nearly eight months, I had finally received a response for the position I had applied for at Waraha Corporation. The prospect of working for a renowned company like this in New York was both exhilarating and daunting.

I grew up in Thailand, surrounded by my family. I had an older brother and a younger sister, with whom I shared many happy memories. But to pursue my education, I had to leave my homeland and venture abroad with my boyfriend, Mew. We had met in college and had both come to New York to study and work, hoping to build a better future for ourselves and to support our loved ones back home.

We lived together in a cozy apartment in New York, accompanied by our faithful four-legged companions: a rabbit named Phalo and a dog named Joy. Their presence added a touch of warmth and comfort to our home, especially in moments of doubt and uncertainty.

That morning, as I got out of bed and the first rays of sunlight flooded the room, I was filled with a mix of emotions. The beginning of a new adventure awaited me at Waraha Corporation, and I knew it would change my life forever.

After emerging from our cozy bed, Mew and I exchanged a knowing glance. We had been through so much together, and yet, our bond had never been stronger. Together, we were ready to face whatever challenges the future held.

After a quick breakfast with Phalo and Joy, I headed to the subway, my heart pounding with anticipation.

The journey to Waraha Enterprises was filled with thoughts of what the future held in store for me. As I made my way down to the subway and approached the imposing building of Waraha Corporation, a thrill of excitement ran down my spine.

The bustling crowd around me seemed to have a clear sense of purpose, while I felt like a newcomer in this fast-paced environment. Stepping through the doors of the building, I was greeted by a whirlwind of professional activity. Employees moved about with determination, fully immersed in their respective tasks. It was both impressive and intimidating. I was immediately struck by its magnificence. The vastness of the space, adorned with luxurious décor and elegant furnishings, left me momentarily breathless. From the polished marble floors to the intricate details of the ceiling, every aspect exuded opulence and sophistication.

After following the directions to my office, I took a few moments to settle in and acquaint myself with my new work environment. My desk was simple but functional, offering a stunning view of the city skyline, serving as a constant reminder of the opportunities that lay ahead.

As I began to unpack my belongings, the door suddenly swung open, revealing the imposing figure of Engfa Waraha. "You must be Charlotte Austin," she stated, her voice cold and distant. "Welcome to Waraha Corporation."

I rose to my feet, a mixture of nervousness and excitement coursing through me. "Yes, that's me. Thank you for this opportunity, Ms. Waraha."

Engfa regarded me with a steely gaze, her demeanor rigid and unwelcoming. "Call me Engfa. I look forward to seeing what you can bring to the company."

As Engfa's words hung in the air, a sense of pressure began to weigh heavily upon me. I had heard of her reputation as a cold and strict leader, and now, faced with her icy demeanor, I couldn't help but feel a twinge of fear for what lay ahead. Yet, despite the apprehension gnawing at my insides, I remained grateful and humbled to be among her employees, ready to tackle whatever challenges awaited me with determination and perseverance.

I still couldn't quite believe that I was going to be working here, at Waraha Corporation. It was a dream come true, and I was incredibly grateful for the opportunity. I knew that I had big shoes to fill, but I was ready to rise to the challenge and prove myself worthy of this incredible opportunity.


As I sat at my desk, taking in the view of the bustling city below, my mind raced with anticipation. I couldn't shake the feeling of surrealism that surrounded me. Working at Waraha Corporation was a dream I had never dared to imagine, yet here I was, on the precipice of a new chapter in my life.

With a sense of determination fueling my actions, I delved into the tasks at hand. Engfa's words echoed in my mind, reminding me of the expectations resting upon my shoulders. I was determined to prove myself worthy of this opportunity, to surpass even the loftiest of expectations.

As the day progressed, I found myself immersed in the rhythm of the office, each task bringing me closer to a sense of belonging. Despite the initial nerves, there was an undeniable thrill in being part of something greater than myself.

As the clock ticked on, I couldn't help but steal glances at the city skyline, a reminder of the endless possibilities that lay beyond the confines of the office walls. With each passing moment, my resolve strengthened, my determination unwavering.


During my break, I met up with two of my colleagues, Heidi and Tina, in the break room. They greeted me warmly, their friendly smiles instantly putting me at ease.

As we chatted over cups of coffee, laughter filled the air, and I found myself quickly warming up to these kindred spirits. Heidi, a brunette with a contagious energy, was the first to strike up a conversation. "So, Charlotte, how's your first day going?" I smiled, grateful for the opportunity to connect with my coworkers. "It's been quite the experience so far. Engfa Waraha certainly lives up to her reputation."
Tina, an outgoing and lively presence, chimed in, "Oh yes, she's certainly not one to mess with. But once you get used to her ways, it's not so bad."

As our conversation continued, I couldn't help but be drawn in by their stories of working under Engfa's watchful eye. They recounted tales of her strictness and intolerance for tardiness, sharing anecdotes of employees who had been swiftly dismissed for arriving even a minute late.

Despite the fear she instilled in them, they spoke with a grudging respect for her intelligence and occasional acts of generosity. « She's definitely a force to be reckoned with, » Heidi remarked with a chuckle. "But hey, at least she keeps us on our toes. "Intrigued by their insights, I found myself wanting to know more about the woman who held such sway over the company. "Do you know much about Engfa's personal life?" I asked, curiosity getting the better of me. Heidi shrugged. "Not really. She keeps that part of herself pretty private. But I've heard rumors that she's a workaholic, hardly ever takes a day off." Tina nodded in agreement. "Yeah, and I've heard she's got a soft spot for her pets. Apparently, she's got a whole menagerie at home."

As our conversation turned to lighter topics, I couldn't shake the feeling of intrigue that lingered in the back of my mind. Engfa Waraha was certainly a complex figure, and I couldn't help but wonder what lay beneath her steely exterior. And now, knowing that she had recently gone through a divorce after six years of marriage, added another layer of mystery to her persona.

As our break came to an end, I felt a sense of camaraderie with Heidi and Tina that I hadn't expected to find so soon. Despite the challenges that lay ahead, I knew I had allies in this new environment, and that thought gave me a newfound sense of confidence. As I returned to my desk, ready to dive back into my work, I couldn't help but feel a glimmer of excitement for the journey that lay ahead. Engfa Waraha may be a commending presence, but with the support of my newfound friends and a determination to prove myself, I was ready to face whatever challenges awaited me at Waraha Corporation.

I knew that this new chapter would be the start of an extraordinary adventure... or not.

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