Chapter 60 : dance of confusion

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As a few days passed, the chill of winter began to settle over New York City, with a biting wind that cut through the streets and gray skies that threatened snow. Despite the cold, excitement was in the air as it was the day of the company party that Engfa had organized to mark her return and the hard work of the team.

In my apartment, Heidi, Tina, and I were gearing up for the event. We had just polished off some pizzas, and with music blasting in the background, we decided to kick things off with a little champagne to get into the festive spirit.

Heidi and Tina were in the kitchen, busting some moves and sharing laughs, while I had just stepped out of the shower, wrapping a towel snugly around myself.

As I headed for the kitchen, I couldn't help noticing Heidi and Tina dancing close together, their faces inches apart, as if they were about to kiss. I raised an eyebrow, an amused smile forming on my face, "Am I interrupting something?" I said, I found it odd that they were so close together.

Heidi and Tina exchanged a sheepish glance before bursting into giggles. Tina ran a hand through her hair, trying to regain her composure, and replied, "Oh, no, not at all! We were just getting into the groove, right, Heidi?"

Heidi nodded, her cheeks flushed with laughter. "Yeah, just warming up for the party! You know how it is, Char," she added, gesturing towards the music.

I chuckled, shaking my head in mock amusement. "Of course, of course. Well, carry on, ladies. Don't let me stop you from having your moment," I said with a wink, pouring myself a glass of champagne.

Looking at them, their closeness still evident, I smiled while frowning. Part of me wondered if there was something more between them, but I brushed the idea aside as quickly as it came.

As we gathered in the bathroom, applying makeup and fixing our hair, the chatter revolved around outfit choices and the evening ahead. With our preparations complete, we emerged dressed in elegant dresses. I wore a pale pink strapless gown that seemed to complement the occasion perfectly.

While Heidi and Tina put the finishing touches on their looks, I found myself texting Davika, unable to resist sharing a laugh or a smile even through messages. Heidi and Tina cleared their throats pointedly, "Caught up in a text love affair, huh?" Heidi teased. "Looks like someone here is in love." Tina chimed in, giving me a wink.

I looked at them, letting out a sigh before teasing back, "I think it's more like you two are the ones in love." I gestured playfully, referencing their closeness in the kitchen earlier. They both laughed, but I could see a hint of embarrassment in their expressions.

Once we were all ready, we exchanged glances, each of us offering compliments on the others' appearances. Heidi couldn't resist teasing me, "Who's the lucky one you're dolled up for, Charlotte?" She asked.

Laughing at her question, I avoided any further questions and pushed Heidi and Tina toward the door. "Come on, let's not keep everyone waiting," I said, eager to divert attention from my personal life to the evening's festivities.

As we stepped out of the Uber, I glanced at the time and realized we were fashionably late, as usual. The venue was already bustling with activity, cars lined up in the parking lot.

After flashing our badges to the security guard, we made our way inside. The sight that greeted us was nothing short of opulent - a spacious hall adorned with high tables scattered around, a DJ spinning tunes in one corner. As we navigated through the crowd, I couldn't shake the feeling of being under scrutiny, every eye seemingly fixated on us.

As we made our way further inside, I couldn't help but notice the lingering gazes directed our way. Feeling slightly self-conscious, I pressed on, only to spot Davika in the distance, engaged in conversation with other guests, a drink in hand. She looked stunning, effortlessly captivating. When she turned and met my gaze, there was a subtle intensity in her eyes, unlike anything I had seen before.

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