Chapter 36 : heartache's symphony

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Still puzzled by the presence of the bouquet on my desk, I attempted to focus on the tasks at hand, pushing aside the mystery for the moment. However, my concentration was interrupted as Heidi approached, bearing a stack of documents. Her eyes widened at the sight of the beautiful flowers adorning my workspace, and she couldn't help but comment on them.

"Wow, Char, are those from Ms. Waraha?" Heidi asked, her curiosity piqued as she gestured toward the beautiful arrangement.

I shook my head, dismissing Heidi's suggestion with a furrowed brow. "No, it's not from Engfa," I clarified, echoing Engfa's denial earlier. "And I have no idea who it could be from. There's no note or anything."

Heidi raised an eyebrow, her lips curling into a thoughtful expression. "Hmm, that's strange," she commented, leaning in closer. "Well, maybe it's from Mew," she suggested. "Or looks like someone's playing a little mystery game with you." Her gaze drifting back to the bouquet.

"I hope not," I murmured, a flicker of apprehension crossing my features. The thought of Mew reaching out to me again stirred up memories I'd rather keep buried. "Let's hope it's not from him," I added, trying to push aside the uneasy feeling settling in the pit of my stomach.

Heidi remarked, her eyes still fixed on the bouquet. "Well, whoever sent it has good taste," she continued with a smile, trying to lighten the mood. "You should enjoy it, regardless of who it's from."

I shifted my attention from the mysterious bouquet to Heidi, who seemed momentarily distracted. "Oh, right, I almost forgot!" she exclaimed, reaching into her folder. "I have some documents for you. That's actually why I came over." With a friendly smile, she handed the papers to me.

"Thanks," I replied with a smile as I took the documents from Heidi. She nodded, with a smile.

As I finally wrapped up the day's tasks, stepping out of my office with the bouquet in hand, I was met with teasing remarks from my colleagues about the flowers. Blushing slightly, I tried to brush off the attention, but I couldn't ignore the look from Engfa as our eyes met. It seemed like everyone was curious about the bouquet, and I couldn't help but feel a mixture of embarrassment and intrigue as I made my way through the office.

Despite my best efforts to remain calm, the attention was beginning to weigh on me. Every comment, no matter how slight, was like a spotlight shining on my confusion as to the bouquet's origin. Was it from Mew, as Heidi had suggested? Or maybe from an anonymous admirer, as Heidi herself had assumed?

As I left the office, I was absent-mindedly looking through my bag for my phone. Lost in my thoughts, I paid no attention to my surroundings and, before I knew it, I collided with someone. Surprised, I looked up and found myself face to face with Mew, a figure from my past I hadn't seen for what seemed like an eternity.

Time seemed to stand still as a wave of emotions washed over me, leaving me paralyzed and unsure of how to react. The shock of seeing Mew after so long left me speechless, and an awkward silence settled between us.

After a moment of tense silence, Mew finally spoke up, breaking the awkwardness that hung between us. "Do you like the bouquet?" he asked, his tone casual but with an underlying hint of curiosity.

I blinked, trying to process his question. "Was it you who sent it?" I asked, still unsure of what to make of the situation.

Mew smiled and nodded in response to my question, confirming my suspicion. He then extended a bag towards me, explaining that he had brought me my favorite dish. "I thought you might enjoy it," he added softly, his tone somewhat nostalgic.

Caught off guard by Mew's unexpected gesture, "Why are you doing this? I finally managed to ask, my voice tinged with both surprise and apprehension.

"Don't you like it?" Mew inquired, his tone a mix of curiosity and concern as he awaited my response.

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