Chapter 20 : flashback

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Flashback (Charlotte's pov)

As we sat in the car, the silence between Mew and me was deafening. He kept stealing glances at me, like he was trying to figure me out or something, but I kept my gaze fixed on the passing scenery, avoiding his probing eyes.

Just when I gathered the courage to speak up, Mew beat me to it, his words cutting through the tension. "I missed you." he said, his voice tinged with sincerity. Despite his attempt at breaking the ice, I couldn't shake the feeling of unease settling in the pit of my stomach.

"I missed you too," I replied automatically, my voice barely above a whisper. But even as I said it, I couldn't help but feel a pang of guilt. My mind was still reeling from Engfa's question back at the airport, and now, here I was, pretending everything was okay.

Mew glanced at me again, a hint of concern in his eyes. "Is everything alright?" he asked, his tone softer this time.

I hesitated, unsure of how much to share. "Yeah, just tired from the trip," I lied, forcing a smile that felt more like a grimace. But Mew seemed to buy it, turning his attention back to the road ahead.

As we stepped into the apartment, I was greeted by a scene straight out of a romantic movie. Roses adorned every surface, their delicate petals strewn across the floor in a mesmerizing display. I stood there, dumbfounded, trying to make sense of it all.

"Charlotte, I've been thinking about this for weeks now. Being apart from you in Seattle made me realize just how much I need you in my life. You were sorely missed, and I couldn't bear the thought of not having you by my side." His eyes filled with sincerity.

"Mew," I began, my voice trembling with emotion as I struggled to find the right words.

"I love you, Charlotte," he continued, his voice unwavering. "I want to build a future with you, start a family, and share every moment together. Will you do me the honor of becoming my wife?"

Turning around, I saw Mew on one knee, a small velvet box in his hand. My heart skipped a beat as I realized what was happening. Shock washed over me, rendering me speechless as I struggled to comprehend the situation unfolding before my eyes.

My breath caught in my throat as tears welled up in my eyes, overwhelmed by the depth of his love and the significance of the moment.

As I stared at the ring glistening in the soft light, a whirlwind of emotions swept through me. Memories of my time with Engfa in Seattle flooded my mind, igniting a pang of guilt that twisted my stomach into knots. How could I say yes to Mew when I had betrayed him with Engfa?

Confusion clouded my thoughts as I grappled with the weight of my feelings. On one hand, there was Mew, the man I loved deeply, offering me his heart and a future together. But on the other hand, there was Engfa, who had stirred something intense within me during our time together, leaving me questioning everything.

Caught in the tumultuous storm of my own emotions, I found myself at a crossroads, torn between two paths, each holding its own set of consequences. It was a decision I couldn't make lightly, one that would shape the course of my life forever.

As Mew looked into my eyes, concern etched across his face, I could feel the weight of his gaze bearing down on me. With a gentle touch, he brushed away the tears that had begun to well up in my eyes, his fingers warm against my skin.

"What's wrong, Charlotte?" he asked, his voice filled with worry and confusion. "You seem... hesitant."

His words hung heavy in the air, a stark reminder of the gravity of the moment. I struggled to find the right words, torn between the truth and the fear of hurting him. But as I looked into his eyes, so full of love and longing, I knew I couldn't keep him in the dark any longer.

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