Chapter 43 : burdens of guilt

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Engfa rushed to where I was curled up on the floor, engulfing me in her arms as I sobbed uncontrollably. "Char, what's wrong?" she asked, her voice laced with concern.

She gently rubbed my back, attempting to soothe me as I struggled to articulate amidst the panic overwhelming me. "Baby, please, tell me what's going on," she urged, her voice soft and reassuring.

Through shaky breaths, I managed to explain the situation again, my words coming out in fragmented sentences. "It's Mew... he's in the hospital... an accident," I stammered, tears streaming down my cheeks.

Engfa's voice trembled with concern as she repeated, "What?"

"I have to go to the hospital... now." My voice quivered with urgency as I looked up at Engfa, desperation etched across my face. Every fiber of my being urged me to rush to Mew's side, to ensure he was alright.

As Engfa grabbed her keys, we hurried out of the apartment and into the car, heading towards the hospital. During the drive, my tears had ceased, but my eyes remained brimming with unshed sorrow. Engfa sensed my distress and placed a reassuring hand on my thigh, offering silent support as we navigated the tense journey ahead.

Rushing into the hospital, my heart pounded against my ribs with every step. Anxiety and fear gnawed at my insides as I made my way to reception, desperate for information. But before I could utter a word, Alex and Marima materialized in front of me, their swollen, red eyes reflecting my own tumultuous emotions. I ran to them, Marima's arms enveloping me in a comforting embrace. Tears blurred my vision as I implored them to tell me what had happened, the words barely escaping my trembling lips.

I turned to Alex, my voice trembling as I begged for answers. Engfa stood beside me, a silent pillar of support in this moment. "What happened?" I pleaded, my eyes searching his for any sign of reassurance amidst the chaos.

Alex's voice wavered as he recounted the events, his eyes mirroring the anguish in his words. "Mew wasn't feeling well earlier today," he began, his tone heavy with remorse. "And then he ended up drinking, and when he got behind the wheel, the car ended up flipping on the highway. I'm so sorry," he concluded, his voice breaking as he spoke.

Tears streamed down my face as I grappled with the unfathomable thought of losing Mew. Engfa gently guided me to sit down, while Marima positioned herself on the other side, offering soothing caresses to my trembling back. The weight of the situation weighed on me, the uncertainty of Mew's condition casting a shadow over my heart.

We were all sitting in the waiting room, nerves tense as we waited for news from the doctor. Engfa, sensing the tension in the air, took it upon herself to fetch drinks for everyone. When she returned with refreshments, I couldn't help but be grateful for her thoughtfulness at such a trying time. Each sip offered a small distraction from the worry gnawing at my insides, but my mind remained fixed on the outcome of Mew's condition.

After what seemed like an eternity of waiting, the doctor finally emerged from the depths of the hospital corridors. My heart raced and I leapt to my feet, the urgency of the situation overriding any semblance of patience.

Before I could formulate a coherent question, the doctor's gaze fell on me and he asked if I was Mew's wife. In the rush of the moment, without thinking, I answered a quick "yes", my mind consumed by the need for answers about Mew's condition. It was only afterwards that I realized the weight of my words and the presence of Engfa, who stood silently by my side.

As the doctor cleared his throat, a heavy silence enveloped the room. His words struck me like a blow to the chest. "I'm afraid the situation is serious," he began solemnly. "Mew has sustained critical injuries from the accident. Despite our best efforts, he remains unconscious, and his condition is extremely unstable." Each word felt like a dagger piercing my heart, and I struggled to process the devastating news.

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