Chapter 67 : surrender to love

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The tension in the meeting room was palpable as employees filed in one by one. I watched each of them closely, my arms crossed tightly around the papers I held. Despite my efforts to remain composed, anger and frustration over the rejected contracts continued to simmer within me.

Curious glances and hushed whispers filled the room as the group took their seats. I tried to keep my expression neutral, but inside I was bubbling with impatience. We had to tackle these issues quickly, and every passing moment only increased my agitation.

As Charlotte entered the meeting room, I couldn't help but follow her with my gaze, my eyes lingering on her as she took her place beside Davika. A flicker of annoyance crossed my mind, but I quickly pushed it aside, reminding myself that now wasn't the time for jealousy.

With a resigned sigh, I lifted my eyes towards the ceiling, silently chastising myself for allowing such feelings to cloud my judgment. In the midst of important discussions and challenges to be addressed, indulging in petty emotions was the last thing I needed.

Refocusing my attention on the task at hand, I took a deep breath, determined to set aside any personal distractions and focus on finding solutions to the pressing issues that lay before us.

As I began the meeting, my mood sour and my frustration palpable, I couldn't help but express my exasperation at the recent string of contract rejections. "It's unacceptable," I began, my voice tinged with irritation. "We've had three contracts turned down in a row, and frankly, I'm fed up with it."

I paced the room, my agitation evident as I addressed the team. "This is highly unusual," I continued, my tone clipped. "We've rarely faced such consistent rejections before, you should have thoroughly reviewed all the reports before sending them out. This level of carelessness is simply not acceptable." With a frustrated gesture, I tossed the papers onto the table, the sound echoing in the tense atmosphere of the room.

As the tension in the room thickened, Tina, who was responsible for market analysis, stepped forward hesitantly. "Ms. Waraha, I've been looking into the market trends and competitor activity," she began, her voice tentative. "It seems that our competitors have been aggressively undercutting us on pricing, making it difficult for us to compete."

As Tina finished speaking, I furrowed my brow, deep in thought as I examined the reports in my hands. The numbers danced before my eyes, revealing a troubling pattern that confirmed Tina's analysis.

With a sense of urgency, I began to dissect the data, pointing out specific figures and trends that highlighted our missteps in the negotiation process. "Look here," I said, tapping my finger on a particular section of the report. "Our competitors have been offering lower prices, yes, but they've also been providing additional incentives and discounts that we've failed to match."

Tina shifted uncomfortably under my scrutiny, her expression reflecting a mix of guilt and frustration. "I... I'm sorry, Ms. Waraha," she began, her voice tinged with regret. "I focused too narrowly on pricing trends and didn't delve deep enough into the broader negotiation strategies employed by our competitors."

As Tina spoke, my attention was momentarily diverted by the sight of Charlotte and Davika exchanging glances, their smiles conspiratorial. Davika whispered something in Charlotte's ear, eliciting a laugh from her. My irritation flared at their apparent lack of seriousness, and I addressed them sharply, my tone laced with annoyance.

"Is there something amusing happening that I should know about?" I questioned, fixing them with a stern gaze. Charlotte's smile faltered, and Davika's expression shifted to one of sheepishness as they both looked away, chastised by my rebuke.

"Your lack of professionalism is not only disrespectful but utterly disgraceful. It's clear that neither of you takes this matter seriously, but let me remind you that our company's reputation—and your own careers—are on the line here."

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