Chapter 70 : fully surrendered

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As I stood in the bathroom with Engfa, the first rays of dawn peeking through the window, both of us still dressed as we had been the day before. We hadn't slept, and the soft glow of dawn through the window reminded us that it was 5am. We had spent the entire night out on the balcony, lost in conversation, stolen kisses, and warm embraces.

With a yawn, I turned to Engfa, feeling a mix of exhaustion and contentment. "I think I need a shower," I said, my voice hoarse from our late-night conversations.

Engfa looked at me, concern etched in her eyes. "You should go ahead, Char. I can wait," she offered, always so considerate.

But something inside me, perhaps fueled by the intimacy of the night, urged me differently. I reached out and gently pulled her closer, my fingers intertwining with hers. "No, come with me," I said softly, a smile on my lips. "Let's shower together."

She blinked in surprise, her lips quirking into a hesitant smile. "Are you sure? I don't want to intrude."

I shook my head, a grin tugging at my lips. "Trust me, you wouldn't be intruding. In fact, I'd really like it if you were in there with me."

A soft chuckle escaped Engfa as she stepped closer, her fingers intertwining with mine. "Well then, who am I to say no to that?"

As the bathroom fell into a cozy darkness, the small twinkling lights I had arranged around the mirror cast a soft, romantic glow, creating an intimate atmosphere that seemed to wrap around us like a tender embrace. Engfa's eyes widened slightly as she took in the sight, a faint blush dusting her cheeks, and I couldn't help but feel a rush of affection for her.

Slowly, I began to undress, the dim light playing teasingly across our skin as our bodies were gradually revealed to each other's gaze. Engfa mirrored my actions, her movements hesitant yet filled with a quiet determination.

In the subdued light, our figures appeared as mere silhouettes, the contours of our bodies blending into the shadows, leaving much to the imagination.

After a shared breath, we stepped into the shower together, the cascade of hot water enveloping us in its soothing embrace. Engfa's touch was both gentle and firm as she helped me lather the shampoo in my hair, her fingers massaging my scalp with practiced ease. In turn, I returned the favor, my hands roaming her body with a tenderness born of love and desire.

As we washed away the remains of the night, our laughter mingled with the sound of falling water, filling the air with a joyful melody that seemed to echo off the tiled walls.

With every touch, every caress, our connection deepened, binding us together in a bond that seemed as unbreakable as the atoms that made up our beings.

Steam enveloped us in its misty embrace, the tension between us seeming to crackle and intensify with each passing moment. With a sudden surge of desire, I pressed Engfa against the smooth glass shower door, the water still cascading around us in a hypnotic rhythm. Her breathing quickened as I placed soft kisses along the sensitive curve of her neck, sensing that she was submitting to me by subtly tilting her head.

I could feel the heat rising not just from the water but from the intensity of our connection. Despite the overwhelming desire that pulsed through me, I tried to temper my actions, not wanting to push too far too quickly. So, with deliberate care, I reached for a washcloth, lathering it with soap before trailing it gently over Engfa's body.

Each stroke was deliberate, slow, as if savoring every moment of this reunion. The warmth of her skin beneath the cloth sent shivers of anticipation coursing through me, a reminder of just how much I had missed her touch, her presence. As I lingered over every curve, every contour, I couldn't help but marvel at the beauty of her form, the way she seemed to fit perfectly against me as if we were two pieces of a puzzle.

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