Chapter 65 : a bouquet of regrets

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author's note: I was planning to write only flashbacks with engfa's pov since she came back from Thailand but i was like no way it was going to take me a lot of time so I wanted to write a long chapter after chapter 63 to write a big recap of engfa's feelings buttttt instead of saving my chapter, I published it and I've just noticed now so chapter 64 wasn't finished, so half of this chapter is part of chapter 64

if you guys have any questions or doubts, feel free to ask
anywayyyy enjoy ur reading <333


As I visited Nudee and Chompu, they enveloped me in a warm embrace, their familiarity comforting yet surreal after months apart. It felt strange to see them again in person, but their presence was undeniably reassuring, a reminder of the connections that transcended physical distance. Despite our frequent FaceTime calls, nothing compared to being together in the same room.

Reuniting with Kieyw was a moment of pure joy. I knelt down to scoop her up into my arms, showering her with kisses as she wagged her tail in excitement.

Together, the three of us settled in, catching up on all that had transpired during my time away. Nudee and Chompu filled me in on the events I'd missed, their stories punctuated by laughter and animated gestures.

Sharing tales of our respective experiences, I couldn't help but recount my encounters with Charlotte. I described the subtle nuances of her demeanor, the way she seemed indifferent to my presence.

Nudee's hesitant voice broke the gentle flow of conversation as she tentatively broached the topic. "Engfa, um... I was thinking... maybe Charlotte, she... she's seeing someone," Nudee ventured, her eyes flicking towards Chompu for reassurance before returning to me.

"Seeing someone?" I echoed, a mix of curiosity and apprehension coloring my words.

The idea of Charlotte being with someone else was like a small stab in my heart. I tried to push the thought away, not wanting to entertain the notion of her being with someone new.

Asking Nudee to continue, I leaned in, eager to hear more despite the discomfort. "What else do you know?" I inquired, my tone a mix of curiosity and apprehension. Nudee glanced at Chompu before continuing, her voice cautious yet sympathetic.

"Well, we heard from some mutual friends that she's been spending a lot of time with someone lately," she revealed gently.

"Please, go on," I urged, "I want to know everything."

Chompu continued, "So, one evening, Heidi and Tina invited Charlotte out for drinks. She declined, saying she had dinner plans with someone." She paused, exchanging a glance with Nudee, who nodded in confirmation. "Later on, Nudee asked Heidi, who'd had a few drinks herself, who Charlotte was dining with. And Heidi mentioned a certain Davika." Chompu's brow furrowed, echoing Nudee's concern.

My heart skipped a beat at the mention of Davika's name. I frowned, leaning in slightly as I spoke. "Davika?" I exclaimed.

Nudee nodded solemnly, her expression serious as she confirmed, "Yes, I saw her with a girl a few times in Times Square. They seemed very close."

As we continued our discussion, my mind raced with disbelief. Charlotte and Davika? it seemed unfathomable. Despite the doubts that crept into my mind, I couldn't bring myself to fully accept it until I had concrete proof. I tried to push away these troubling thoughts, concentrating instead on the details they shared about their time together. Yet a nagging feeling persisted, an uneasy sensation that refused to dissipate.

Deep down, I knew I had to confront Charlotte, to seek clarity and closure in a situation that was becoming increasingly complex. But for now, I buried these thoughts, choosing to wait for the right moment to present itself.

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