Chapter 10 : beneath the surface

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Engfa's POV

I sat behind my desk, a stack of files accumulating in front of me. I went through the reports with calculated intensity, scrutinizing every detail. It was already 10 p.m., and I was still at my desk, surrounded by paperwork.

This routine had become all too familiar since my divorce. Losing myself in work was my way of escaping, of keeping my mind occupied and away from the emptiness that lingered in the silence of my home. But tonight, even the endless stream of tasks couldn't fully distract me.

Thoughts of Charlotte Austin intruded upon my concentration, disrupting my carefully constructed façade of detachment. As much as I tried to push them aside, they stubbornly refused to be ignored.

Since the first time I laid eyes on Charlotte, there had been something stirring inside me, something I struggled to articulate, let alone accept. In the wake of my divorce, I had sworn off any notion of commitment, content to drift from one fleeting connection to the next without seeking anything more.

Yet, Charlotte was different. Her presence alone, standing before my desk, had the power to shift the course of my entire day.

I had attempted to suppress these feelings, burying them beneath layers of cold indifference. But Charlotte's unexpected resilience, her refusal to back down in the face of my hostility, only served to heighten my intrigue. No one had ever dared to challenge me in such a manner before.

Furthermore, the decision to bring Charlotte along to Seattle wasn't solely rooted in a desire for companionship. I chose her because I recognized her potential, her intelligence, and her capability to contribute significantly to the task at hand, particularly in securing the contract with Mr. Alonzo.

Yet, beneath the surface, I couldn't deny a certain satisfaction at the prospect of sharing this experience with her.

However, I had to remind myself of the reality of our situation: Charlotte was not only my employee but also in a relationship.

As her superior, I couldn't afford to blur those lines or risk damaging my professional reputation.

Throughout my life, I had learned to navigate challenges with a cold, detached demeanor, and I couldn't allow emotions to cloud my judgment now.

Maintaining my composure was paramount; it was how I had overcome adversity and risen to my current position.

Additionally, I was adamant about not showing any sign of weakness. However, Charlotte's presence seemed to disrupt this resolve.

The fact that I had apologized to her left me feeling completely disoriented. It was an unprecedented action for me, regardless of whether she was in the right or not.

My pride had always taken precedence, but now, with Charlotte in the picture, navigating these waters was becoming increasingly complex.

As I sank into the thought, a sudden noise startled me, sending a shiver down my spine. Despite my facade of composure, I must admit I was easily startled.

It seemed strange to hear such noises, knowing full well that I was alone in the building.

Muttering to myself about the strangeness of the situation, I plucked up my courage and rose from my seat, determined to investigate the source of this disturbance.

Hearts On The HighriseOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora