Chapter 55 : whispers of yesterday

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It had been almost nine months since Engfa and I parted ways, and while the pain still lingered at times, I had grown accustomed to its presence.

The initial stages were the hardest to endure—I suffered from countless nightmares, often waking up in the middle of the night, my days blending into a monotonous cycle of work and sleep. I hardly had an appetite, feeling drained and empty. But as time passed, and with the unwavering support of my friends, I began to rebuild myself, piece by piece.

Though thoughts of Engfa still crossed my mind whenever something reminded me of her, it would be dishonest to say that I no longer loved her. The bond we shared was too powerful to be easily erased.

I hadn't heard from Engfa since our breakup, nor had I reached out to her. In my mind, she had moved on with her life, and I had to come to terms with that reality. As for Mew, I had bumped into him a few times, but our interactions were brief and devoid of any significance.

As for Davika, Engfa's replacement at Waraha Corporation, she had become a significant figure in my life, albeit in a different capacity. Despite her role as CEO, Davika had been a constant source of support during my lowest moments.

In the beginning, she had persistently tried to spend time with me outside of work—inviting me to meals, suggesting outings—but I always turned her down, my thoughts still consumed by Engfa. However, Davika refused to give up on me, continually offering her friendship and support.

Eventually, I relented and agreed to have lunch break with her. From that day forward, our bond grew stronger, and Davika became an integral part of my life, a pillar of strength and understanding in the aftermath of my breakup.

"Cha, if you were a vegetable, you'd be a cute-cumber," Davika quipped with a mischievous grin, earning an eye roll from me.

"Please," I chuckled, shaking my head. "Can't you come up with something better than that?"

Davika laughed, undeterred by my mock disapproval. "Alright, alright, how about this one: Are you made of copper and tellurium? Because you're Cu-Te!"

"Davika, seriously," I said, feigning exasperation. "You need to work on your pickup lines."

"Okay, okay, one more," Davika declared, her eyes twinkling with mischief. "Are you a magician? Because whenever I look at you, everyone else disappears."

I couldn't suppress a laugh at her theatrics. "Smooth, Davika, real smooth. But I think you might need to work on your delivery."

She shrugged playfully. "Hey, practice makes perfect, right?"

The neon lights of Times Square illuminated our path as we strolled through the bustling streets, soaking in the vibrant energy of the city that never slept. The air was alive with the buzz of conversation and the distant honking of car horns, creating a symphony of urban sounds that surrounded us.

Suddenly, Davika grabbed my hand and pulled me towards a stand selling New York's famous hot dogs. With a mischievous glint in her eyes, she grinned and said, "Come on, Charlotte! It's time for a taste of the Big Apple's finest!"

I chuckled at her enthusiasm, letting myself be swept along by her infectious energy. "But, aren't you supposed to be watching your figure?" I teased her, gesturing to the array of mouth-watering treats on the stall.

"Oh, please! Life's too short to worry about calories." She waved off my concerns with a dismissive flick of her hand.

As we approached the stand, the aroma of sizzling meat and onions wafted through the air, making my stomach growl in anticipation. Davika eagerly placed our order, chatting animatedly with the vendor as she did so.

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