Chapter Ninety-Nine: Stargazing

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Rodrick knocked on Y/N's front door an hour before dinner. He had just gotten back from Greg's assembly where he embarrassed him in front of Holly about his yearbook picture. Rodrick considered it as a form of light teasing but Greg made it out to seem like the end of the world. Another thing that made Greg upset was the fact that he didn't get Holly's number. Rodrick tried to console him but any attempt he made was futile.

So, there he stood—on Y/N's front porch as the sun shone on his back. It was a beautiful day out and Rodrick had checked the forecast for the night and it was supposed to be perfect. Which made him even happier since it worked out with what he had planned.

A few seconds later, the door opened to reveal Y/N's mom. Her face instantly lit up when she saw him. "Hi, Rodrick," she said as she stepped aside to let him in. "Congratulations on making the Honour Roll."

"Thanks," he replied with a smile as he wiped his shoes on the mat.

"Y/N was so excited when Susan got the email. She kept talking about how shocked you were going to be," said Mrs. L/N. "She's really proud of you. Scott and I are too."

Rodrick's smile widened. "Thanks," he mumbled.

"Would you like to stay for dinner?" she asked while leading him in the kitchen where Scott stood, cooking something on the stove. Lee was leaning against the cupboards on her hind legs, eagerly wagging her tail as she watched him.

"Actually, I was planning on taking Y/N somewhere for dinner and then later me and her could hang out," he told her. "Only if that's okay with you."

At the sound of Rodrick's voice, Lee immediately charged towards him. She circled around him while barking cheerfully. Rodrick smiled and bent down to pick her up. He placed a kiss on the top of her head and stroked her fur.

"Of course it's okay," Y/N's mom said. "Just bring her back at a reasonable time."

"I will," he replied before he made his way over to the table with Lee in his arms. He sat down and placed Lee onto his lap, still holding her.

"Oh, Rodrick, I came across this baby picture of Y/N on my Facebook and I just had to show you," said Mrs. L/N as she seated herself across from him at the table. She turned her phone around revealing a picture of a very young-looking Y/N blowing bubbles. "She was so cute."

Rodrick smiled as an idea crossed his mind. "Could you send that to me?" he asked.

Y/N's mother nodded before she started to tap away at her phone.

"Is dinner almost done?" Rodrick looked up to see Y/N in the doorway, facing Scott's direction. She glanced over at Rodrick and her mother and smiled. She quickly made her way over to him and sat down. "Hi, doofus."

"Hi, nerd," he replied.

"What are you doing?" she asked. "Are you staying for dinner?"

"No. I'm just looking at baby pictures," he said with a smile.

Y/N furrowed her brows before glancing in her mother's direction. "Whose?"

"Yours," her mother replied. She looked up from her phone at Rodrick. "I sent it to you by the way."

"Thank you," Rodrick mumbled as he pulled out his phone.

Y/N shook her head and reached for Rodrick's phone. "I don't think you want to see that," she said.

Rodrick turned away from her and opened his messaging app. "I already saw it," he replied as he pulled up the picture. He presented it to Y/N who hid her face. "What's wrong?"

"hey nerd" "hey doofus" -rodrick x readerWhere stories live. Discover now