Chapter Twenty-Five: Back to School

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Y/N spent all Christmas break wondering why Rodrick didn't ask her about the kiss. It was her way of telling him how she felt. She assumed that by doing that simple action, he would ask what it meant and then she would confess completely. But he made it clear that he didn't care because he never once brought it up.

Of course, Y/N tried her best not be bothered by this. So what if he didn't care? She still wanted to have him as a best friend.

Today was the first day back to school. The start of a new year. Mostly all of their classes consisted of them doing sheets asking about their new year's resolutions. It was a tad bit juvenile but at least it was a break from all the work they would have to be doing the rest of the year.

Y/N had biology with Rodrick for one of her classes. He acted like nothing happened. Which Y/N supposed was a good sign. At least nothing effected their friendship.

When lunch time came around, Y/N sat with Rodrick, Ben, Lexi and Barry. They all acted as if nothing happened. What was with everyone? She had kissed him in front of everyone— something she would probably never have the guts to do again— and they acted like nothing happened. They didn't even tease either of them. And if Y/N was being honest, she kind of missed her friends teasing her and Rodrick.

After school, Y/N had tutoring with Rodrick. He was a bit quiet and he kept zoning out.

"Rodrick," she whispered as he stared blankly at the floor. She tapped his shoulder and he faced her.

"Sorry," he muttered.

"Is everything okay?" she asked him tentatively.

He nodded and went back to writing down some formulas for the type of equations he was doing in math class. The truth was, Rodrick kept overthinking about the kiss. He wanted to talk to Y/N about it but each time he got the urge to do so, Lexi's words kept rushing back to him. And he kept telling himself that if Y/N meant anything by it, she would've told him so. Which is why he tried to pretend like nothing happened for her sake and his.

When they were done their session, he drove her home.

"Bye, Rodrick," she said to him as she opened her door.

"Bye, Y/N," he whispered back. He watched her leave with a saddened smile before popping the CD she had got him into his van and backing out of her driveway.

That night was restless for the both of them. Y/N stayed up thinking about Rodrick. And Rodrick stayed up thinking about Y/N.

I'll never be enough for her, Rodrick thought from his bed.

He'll never feel the same, Y/N thought from hers.

Author's note: i apologize again. but don't worry, the wait will be worth it. anyway, good night/day. i appreciate you!!

"hey nerd" "hey doofus" -rodrick x readerWhere stories live. Discover now