Chapter Twenty-Three: Mistletoe

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Y/N had went to Lexi's an hour before the scheduled gift exchange time.

Her moms welcomed Y/N with open arms, asking if she needed anything. When Y/N replied with a polite, no thank you. They smiled and went into their bedroom.

Y/N went into Lexi's room to see her curling her long, blonde hair. She wore a short, tight red dress and fishnet stockings. "Hey, babes," Lexi said when Y/N entered. Y/N sat on her bed and watched her curl her hair. "How was your Christmas?"

"It was perfect," Y/N said. "Rodrick got me a record player."

"So he literally proposed to you?" Lexi asked, turning to face her. Y/N laughed and shook her head. "Did he like your present?"

"Yes," Y/N sighed happily as she remembered Rodrick's smile.

"That's good," Lexi said with a smile. She curled the last strands of her hair before turning to Y/N. "So I have everything planned out. After we do the gift exchange, we're going to order pizza and watch a movie."

"That sounds perfect,"  Y/N said.

"I know," Lexi said with a smile. "Also, guess what I hung in every doorway?"

"What?" Y/N asked.

Lexi dragged her towards the the doorway of her room and looked up. Right above them hung a leafy plant. Lexi gave Y/N a kiss on the cheek and said, "Now you and Rodrick will have kiss!"

"What if him and I don't walk under it at the same time?" Y/N asked.

"Y/N, babe, I have all that figured out," she said with a smile. "Just you wait."

Suddenly, a door bell rang throughout the house. Lexi and Y/N ran to entry way. Lexi opened the door to reveal Ben, a bag in his hands. Lexi pointed above them and Ben looked up. There was mistletoe hanging above them. He smiled at her and placed a gentle kiss on her forehead. He stepped inside and waved to Y/N. "So I heard Christmas was good yesterday," he said. "That's what Rodrick told me anyway."

"He's right," Y/N said. Lexi led them all to the living room where they all sat down. Ben sat on a recliner in the corner and Lexi sat on the armrest. Y/N took a seat on one of the bigger couches.

"Where's your moms?" Ben asked.

"They're in their room," Lexi told him. "They'll be in there all night."

Ben nodded and gazed at Lexi fondly. "You look beautiful, you know that?"

"Yes, I know," she said with a smile.

The doorbell rang once again. "That must be Rodrick," Ben said, getting up from the recliner. He opened the door and there was Rodrick.

"Ben," Lexi said. He turned to face her. She pointed at the plant hanging above him and Rodrick.

The two of them laughed and kissed each other on the cheek. Ben and Rodrick went into the living room and sat down. Ben sat back on the recliner and Rodrick sat beside Y/N.

"I should've made Y/N answer the door," Ben said.

"Then you would've missed out on the opportunity of kissing me, Benjamin," Rodrick said as he threw a bag at him and Lexi. "Merry Christmas."

Lexi and Ben took out their presents from the bag and placed them on the coffee table next to where Y/N had placed everyone's presents.

Y/N turned to Rodrick to see his face was red. "Are you cold?" she asked.

He nodded. "The weather is getting worse," he told her.

She patted his shoulder and he smiled.

A few minutes later, Barry and his girlfriend arrived. Barry's girlfriend was named Trista. Trista had short hair that was dyed dark purple. She wore an abundance of bracelets, rings and necklaces. She had Barry's sweatshirt on and a pair of leggings. "Hi, guys," she said when her and Barry entered into the living room. Everyone said hi back.

"hey nerd" "hey doofus" -rodrick x readerWhere stories live. Discover now