Chapter Eighty-Two: Fight

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The next few days at school were absolute torture for Rodrick. Y/N was still sick and his parents wouldn't let him skip school to let him see her.

"This is absolute bullshit," Rodrick grumbled as he sat at his cafeteria table.

Lexi, Ben and Barry gave him all a confused look. That was the first time he spoke all day.

"What's wrong, man?" Barry asked as he bit into his sandwich.

"It's obvious. He misses Y/N," said Lexi.

Ben smiled and his eyes sparkled. "Aww. How cute."

"No. It is not cute. It sucks," Rodrick mumbled. "I don't know what to do without her."

"Freedom," Barry exclaimed as he held up his fist.

Rodrick frowned at him. "This isn't funny. It's been days since I last saw her. I don't know if she's okay or if she's gotten better."

"Have you texted her?" Lexi asked.

"Yes. I text her everyday. But she sleeps most of the time so I don't get a reply until hours later," Rodrick told her as he tapped his foot nervously on the ground.

"Just calm down. It's not the end of the world," said Barry.

"Maybe not for you," Rodrick mumbled. "I just— It's so weird not having her in school. She's usually right here." He pointed to the spot next to him at the table.

"You can always just go over to her house after school," Lexi suggested.

"She doesn't want me over there," he said. "She's worried I'll get sick too."

"That sucks. But, hey, at least you have us to keep you company," Ben told him with a grin.

"Thanks but I'd rather Y/N," he said.
(Ben's shaking his fist rn)

Suddenly, there was a tap on Rodrick's shoulder. He turned around to see Heather standing behind him.

"Hi, could I speak to you?" she asked in a soft voice.

He nodded. "Go ahead."

From across the table, Ben, Barry and Lexi murmured things to one another.

Heather saw them. "This involves you as well." They stopped their chatter and listened. "So, I was speaking to Ms. Keating the other day about wanting to do something for the school. To break out of the two terrible reputations I have made for myself at this school. And so I planned a Christmas concert. It's for anyone who wants to share their talent," she told them.

Ben, Barry and Lexi's faces lit up.

"And I know at my birthday that was all an act," she said. "You wanted to be terrible so I'd get upset and you'd be with Y/N. So, I know you guys are actually good. Despite that one song you played. Just please, whatever you do, don't sing." She looked directly at Rodrick when she said that.

He laughed. "Don't worry about it. I'll stick to drums."

"Good," Heather said with a smile. "Anyway, do you have any song ideas? Perhaps not a Justin Bieber one? Oh, and nothing too loud. It's Christmas after all."

Rodrick nodded. "No loud music, no Justin. Got it." He and Heather shared a smile. "We were working on a new song actually. One for Y/N."

Heather's smile widened. "That's so sweet. I'm sure she'll love it. Would you guys mind playing a Christmas song as well?"

"What? You mean like me and Ben sing a duet of 'Baby, It's Cold Outside'?" Barry asked.

Heather laughed. "I mean, if you want. But as a band you could do a rock cover of a Christmas song."

"hey nerd" "hey doofus" -rodrick x readerWhere stories live. Discover now