Chapter Fourty-Three: Heather, The Manipulator

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Y/N and Lexi were outside her locker, watching Heather walk up to Brad. They kept quiet and tuned into their conversation.

"Ready to go?" she asked.

He furrowed his brows. "What do you mean?" he asked.

Y/N and Lexi exchanged a glance. "Oh shit," Lexi whispered, eyes wide.

"You messaged me on Instagram over the weekend. Don't you remember?" Lexi asked, folding her arms. "We're supposed to go to my place."

"I don't remember that," Brad said. He noticed the sad look on Heather's face and added, "But I got wasted over the weekend so that's probably why. We can still hang out unless you—"

"Hey, Heather," Rodrick said as he walked up to his girlfriend. He spared Brad a glance. "I'm going to be hanging out with Y/N, okay?"

"Jesus, can't you see I'm talking to someone?" Heather snapped. She turned to Brad. "I'm sorry about that. He's always so clingy."

Rodrick pursed his lips. "So, uh, you're fine with me going?"

"Yes, Rodrick, I don't care," Heather said. "I'm hanging out with Brad anyway." She took his hand and started making her way out of the locker area but Lexi stepped in front of her. Heather and Brad stopped.

"You're in the way," Heather scoffed.

"And that's how you feel about Rodrick too, right?" Lexi asked. Rodrick furrowed his brows and walked over to them. "You think he's in the way and that's why you're cheating on him?"

Heather glared at Lexi. "What?" She laughed harshly. "Why are you accusing me—"

"Because I have proof," Lexi interjected.

"What?" Heather and Rodrick said in sync.

Lexi pulled up her phone and went onto Instagram, explaining what her and Y/N did over the weekend.

"You two are complete psychos," Heather said. "Why would you hack into Brad's account? What the hell is wrong with you?"

"We had suspicions that needed to be confirmed. And they got confirmed," said Lexi as she went through the messages that Heather and 'Brad' sent to each other, showing them to Rodrick. Heather and Brad peeked over Rodrick's shoulder and they both scoffed. Rodrick looked kind of hurt.

"You invaded my privacy and tried to accuse Heather of cheating?" Brad asked. He glanced at Y/N. "I see someone's still upset about what happened at the dance."

Y/N looked down at the floor.

"This is insane!" Heather exclaimed. She turned to Rodrick. "What the hell is wrong with your friends?"

He looked at her nervously. "Did you really want to cheat on me?" he asked.

She folded her arms. "Wow. Make it all about you then. Brad got hacked by your friends and you're making this about you." She shoved his chest lightly. "That's really shitty on your part, you know that? Brad's a nice guy and you're letting them put him down like this. And to think I thought you were a good boyfriend."

Rodrick scratched the back of his neck. "I'm sorry," he muttered. "But... on the weekend when you thought it was Brad messaging you... were you actually going to cheat on me?"

"No! Do you seriously not trust me at all?" Heather asked.

Rodrick shrugged. "I just—"

"Here you go again! Everything in this relationship is about you, Rodrick!" Heather snapped. "Oh my god, can't you listen? Tell your friends what they did is wrong and then let's just all put this behind us, alright?"

Rodrick fidgeted with his sweaty hands, feeling more nervous by the second. "I think they know what they did was wrong but they were only looking out for me."

Heather rolled her eyes and pinched the bridge of her nose. "They don't want you to be happy, Rodrick. They tried to make it seem like I was cheating on you so that you would break up with me and you'd be all alone," she told him in a fake gentle tone. She touched his shoulder. "I would never cheat on you."

"The proof is here, Rodrick," Lexi said, pointing to her phone. "We did this for you."

"But would Lexi really do that for you?" Heather whispered to Rodrick. "You two don't have the typical best friend relationship so do you really think she wanted to look after you?"

Rodrick considered this and sighed. She's right.

"Rodrick," Heather said. He looked at her. "Go on. Tell them what they did was wrong."

He faced Lexi and Y/N but didn't look at them. "Well.. uh, you heard her," he said, pointing at Heather.

Lexi scoffed and shook her head. "You dumbass," she said. She took Y/N's hand and pushed past Rodrick, Barry and Ben, making sure to bump Rodrick's shoulder roughly.

As she let Lexi pull her towards the exit of the school, Y/N looked over her shoulder to see Rodrick watching her go sadly.

"So, we still hanging out?" Brad asked Heather. Rodrick looked over at them.

Heather leaned into Brad's ear and tried her best to be quiet when she said, "Yes, I'll text you after I'm done with him."

Brad nodded and waved goodbye to Heather before leaving.

"You could've hung out with him, you know," Rodrick told her. "You don't have to pretend to like me, Heather."

"You need to stop that," Heather scolded. "You're making me feel like a bad girlfriend, Rodrick. Good to know how much you appreciate me." She crossed her arms.

Rodrick wanted nothing more than to tell her to shut up but he kept quiet. "Sorry," he mumbled.

"Good. Now, where should we go?" Heather asked.

"That's up to you," Rodrick said with a shrug. Just like how everything else is.

That day, when he got home, Rodrick laid on his bed and had a staring contest with the ceiling.

After ten minutes, Rodrick rolled over on his stomach and picked up his phone. He went into his messaging app and clicked on Heather's contact. He typed out a message:

Rodrick: hey i don't think we should be together anymore.

But he deleted it and sighed. Heather was his first girlfriend and sure, she was shitty and wasn't who he wanted but he knew if he ended things with her, he wouldn't be with anyone else. Especially not Y/N. She was too good for him. He buried his face into his pillow and let out an exasperated sigh before closing his eyes.

Author's note: the wait is almost over, i promise🙏🏼 anyway, have a good night/day. i'm running low on sleep so that's all for today. i appreciate you!!!

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