Chapter Seventy-Three: Movie Night

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Y/N sat on the beanbag chair in the Heffley's garage next to Rodrick's drum set as she watched her friends prepare their instruments.

Barry was in the corner, tuning his bass, Ben was consoling Lexi and telling her she was going to do great and Rodrick was twirling his drumsticks around his fingers to impress Y/N.

"Look, look, look," Rodrick muttered. Y/N turned to him and watched as he threw the drumstick in the air and tried to catch it. It clattered to the floor. He quickly bent down and retrieved it before pointing at her with it. "You didn't see that."

Y/N chuckled softly which made Rodrick smile.

"Okay, she's ready," Ben said, pointing to Lexi who nervously fiddled with her pick. Ben patted her shoulder. "You'll do great, Lex."

Barry stood up and straightened his posture before positioning his fingers on the correct fret.

Lexi exhaled shakily before chugging the rhythm to Everlong on her dark red Fender.

After she played her little riff, Ben strummed his guitar and Rodrick began to hit his high-hat. Barry joined in too and played a few notes on his bass.

Y/N sat in awe as she watched the performance. Although she thought all of them played wonderfully, her eyes were on Rodrick who was completely focused on his drumming. He was incredible. Y/N's eyes followed his movements as he played at a quick pace.

They stopped shortly after since Lexi messed up.

"I fucking suck," Lexi sighed.

"Hey, don't say that," Ben told her. "You were great."

She gave him an unconvinced look.

"I thought you were pretty good," Rodrick said with a shrug. "For your first practice with us anyway."

"Yeah, you only messed up once," Barry added.

Lexi smiled softly. "Thanks."

"Do you wanna try again?" Ben asked her. She nodded and started from the beginning of the song.

They played the song over again and Y/N tried to pay attention to everyone but she found that her gaze was attached to Rodrick the entire time.

He glanced at her briefly and his heart fluttered when he noticed she was already looking at him. They shared a smile before Rodrick returned his complete focus to his drums.

Minutes passed and they played the whole song. Lexi smiled. "I didn't mess up!" she exclaimed.

"See, we knew you could do it," Ben told her with a smile.

She kissed his cheek. "Thanks." She cleared he throat. "So, are we done for the day?"

"I hope so," Rodrick said as he got up from his drum set. He ran a hand through his hair which was drenched in sweat before sitting next to Y/N on the bean bag chair. Y/N handed him a water bottle. "Thank you," he panted as he took a big swig. He placed the bottle on the floor and leaned back in the chair. Y/N brushed strands of hair out of Rodrick's face and he smiled at her.

"Hey, Y/N," Lexi said. Y/N turned to her. "Wanna come with me to the gas station to get some snacks for tonight?"

"Yeah, sure," Y/N replied as she got up from the bean bag chair.

"What do you guys want?" Lexi asked, glancing between Ben, Barry and Rodrick.

"I'll have grape crush and barbecue chips," Ben said.

"Chocolate. Lots of chocolate," said Barry who put his bass into its case.

"Sour gummy worms please," Rodrick said. "Oh, and make sure it's a big container of them."

"hey nerd" "hey doofus" -rodrick x readerWhere stories live. Discover now