Chapter Eighty-One: Sick

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The next week, Y/N woke up with a terrible cough. Not only did she have a bad cough, but her nose was all stuffed up.

She didn't want to leave her bed.
(Me everyday)

She closed her eyes and tried to fall back asleep but her mother pounded on her door. "Y/N, are you ready?" she asked. Y/N groaned and buried her face into her pillows. The door opened and her mother stepped inside, shocked to see her daughter still in bed. "What's wrong, Y/N?"

She sat up and let out a loud cough which answered her mother's question. "I can't breathe," she told her as she sniffled.

"Okay," she mother said with a nod. "Well, there's medicine in the bathroom you can take. And if you get hungry during the day, you can have some chicken noodle soup."

"I can't stay home," Y/N grumbled. "I haven't missed a day of school yet this year. Perfect attendance looks good on my—"

"Y/N, it's fine. You're sick. You need to stay home," her mother told her. "Besides, it's a Friday, you can recover over the weekend and go to school on Monday if you're so worried."

Y/N sighed and nodded. "Okay," she mumbled.

"Susan is taking me dress shopping again today so if you need me, call me," her mother told her. She stroked Y/N's hair before turning around to leave.

Y/N rolled over and hid her face in her pillows. She closed her eyes and tried to rest.

She only got three minutes of sleep. She was abruptly awoken by the rapid knock at her front door.

She groaned and covered her ears with her pillow. She closed her eyes and waited for the unwanted visitor to go away.

Seconds later, the knocking came again. She swung her legs over the edge of her bed and flung her blankets off of her. Then she trudged downstairs to open the door and shoo this person away.

Her attitude quickly faded when she saw who was at the door. "Rodrick? What are you doing here?" she asked.

"I'm here to pick you up for school," he replied with a smile. His grin faltered when he took in her appearance. "But it looks like you aren't ready."

"I'm sick," she mumbled in a nasally voice. "Mom said I could stay home."

"Oh okay." He nodded. Then he stepped inside and before Y/N could protest he said, "I'll stay home with you."

"What? No. You're not sick," she exclaimed. "You need to go to school."

"School without you would be hell, Y/N," he told her. "Plus, I don't want you to be alone."

"Sometimes solitude is preferred when one is ill, Rodrick," she said. "And not just the person who is sick but for the surrounding people too. I don't want you to catch whatever I have."

"Pfft. Don't be ridiculous. That won't happen. I haven't been sick a day in my life," he lied. "I'll be fine."

She crossed her arms. "I don't want you to skip."

"I'll be okay, Y/N/N. I do it all the time," he said with a grin. Y/N raised a brow and his smile fell. He cleared his throat. "I mean, I used to do it. Used to. Yep."

"hey nerd" "hey doofus" -rodrick x readerWhere stories live. Discover now