Chapter Fourteen: Babysitting

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When Y/N woke up, she quickly got ready for the day. Then she went downstairs and met her mom for breakfast. They were having bacon and eggs.

"So how was last night?" her mom asked as she put salt and pepper on her eggs.
"It was fun," said Y/N. "I found out why Rodrick wrote that song."

"And why's that?" asked her mother.

"He wrote it for the girl he likes," Y/N replied before scooping eggs into her mouth.

"Oh? And who would this girl be?" her mother asked, a smirk on her face.

"He wouldn't tell me," Y/N said.

"Oh," was all her mother said, still grinning. Y/N furrowed her brows and ate some bacon.

"I was talking to Lexi's moms last night and they want to have us over tomorrow for dinner," her mother said.

"That's nice of them," Y/N replied.

"It'll be good for you and Lexi," said her mom. "You two seemed to hit it off well nicely."

"I guess you could say that," Y/N smiled. "She's really funny and nice."

Her mother nodded and they proceeded to have a small conversation in between bites of their breakfast.

When they were finished, Y/N helped her mom wash the dishes before sitting on the couch with Lee who was curled up.

She kissed the top of her dog's head and stroked her fur. Y/N turned on the TV and flicked through Netflix. Her mother sat beside her on the couch and pet Lee.
"What're we watching?" her mom asked.
"I'm not sure yet," Y/N replied. "Netflix is boring."

Her mom took the remote from her hands and turned on Gilmore Girls. "Perfect," she smiled.
Y/N giggled and snuggled up to her mom, laying her head on her shoulder. Her mother ran her fingers through Y/N's hair and hummed Gilmore Girls' intro.

Suddenly, Y/N's phone buzzed in her pocket. She pulled it out and felt her heart skip a beat. It was a notification from Rodrick. Smiling, she unlocked her phone and went into her messaging app.

doofus:)) : good morning:)
Y/N: Good morning:)
doofus:)) : where'd you like to go today?
Y/N: You can come over here for a bit and hang out with me, Mom and Lee. Then we could go somewhere for lunch. It's up to you of course
doofus:)) : that sounds perfect
doofus:)) : when do you want me to come over?

Y/N turned to her mom whose eyes were glued to the TV. "Mom, can Rodrick come over?" she asked.
"Yes, of course," said her mom.
"Can he come over now?" she asked. Her mom nodded and Y/N texted Rodrick back.

Y/N: Mom said you could come over now. If you're ready.
doofus:)) : i'm ready
doofus:)) : be there right away

Y/N smiled and shut off her phone. She spent the next few minutes pretending to be focused on the TV but all that was going through her mind was Rodrick. Just the thought of his name was enough to make her heart flutter.

Suddenly there was a knock at the door. Lee leapt off the couch and waddled over to the entry way, yapping in the process.

Y/N got up from the couch and followed her dog to the door. She opened it and was met with Rodrick. His eyes flickered down towards Lee who was still barking.

"Shredder!" he exclaimed. Y/N rolled her eyes and stepped aside so Rodrick could come in.

The moment he entered the house, he bent down and pet Lee's head. "Hi, Shredder, did you miss me?" he asked.

"hey nerd" "hey doofus" -rodrick x readerWhere stories live. Discover now