Chapter Seventy-Four: First Time

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Rodrick and Ben went to the mall a little after one. They would have gone a whole lot sooner if Rodrick hadn't been asleep. During the ride to the mall, Ben went over a list of gift ideas which Rodrick, despite his tremendous fatigue, paid great attention to. He wanted his gift to Y/N to be perfect so he listened to Ben as if his life depended on it.

When they finally made it to the mall, Ben and Rodrick journeyed through all of the stores. Ben purchased a few things for Lexi which made Rodrick sigh.

"How can you do this so easily?" he asked as he wrung his hands nervously.

Ben shrugged. "I just see stuff that I know she'd like," he told him.

"I see a lot of stuff I know she would like but I want to get her something that'll blow her mind," Rodrick explained. "Last year, she freaked out about the record player. I want that same reaction, you know?"

"Well, you don't have to get her just one thing," Ben said. "You could get her a bunch of stuff and put it in like a bag or something. That's what I'm doing for Lexi. I saw it on TikTok. I think it's called like a Brr Basket or some shit like that."

Rodrick nodded and kept a mental note of all the little things he saw that he knew Y/N would like. As they wandered around the mall some more, they walked past a jewelry store which made Rodrick stop in his tracks. Ben collided with him.

"Dude, why are we..." Ben trailed off and followed Rodrick's gaze. He smiled. "Promise rings are always appreciated."

Rodrick glanced at him. "Promise rings?" he asked. "Isn't that like an engagement ring?"

"Sort of. Engagement rings are for getting married and promise rings are for, like, promising a future together," Ben explained. He gave Rodrick a teasing smile. "Have you and Y/N planned your future?"

"Well, no... but I know that I don't ever want to be with anyone other than her," Rodrick mumbled as he scratched the back of his neck.

Ben grabbed both of Rodrick's shoulders. "Get her one," he demanded.

"But what about the other stuff I saw back in—"

"Get those too," Ben told him.

Rodrick nodded and pulled out his wallet. "So, uh, how much are promise rings?" he asked.

"Usually like close to a hundred dollars," Ben told him. "The good ones anyway."

"Fuck," Rodrick muttered. He didn't have a whole lot of money on him. And he wanted to buy Y/N a good ring not a cheap, fake one. He sighed.

"Hey, man, I can help pay for some of it if you want," Ben told him.

Rodrick looked at him. "Are you sure?" he asked.

"Yeah, of course," said Ben with a smile. "If it'll make you and Y/N happy then I'll do it."

Rodrick smiled back and they wandered around the jewelry store. Eventually, they stumbled across a set of silver rings with different coloured gems. Rodrick picked out one which had a little gem that was Y/N's favourite colour. He and Ben paid for it and the cashier gave him a velvet box to put it in along with a little shopping bag.

They left the jewelry store and walked side by side around the mall.

"So, I know you want to get some little gifts for Y/N but with all the money we spent just then, you should probably wait a while before you buy those things," Ben said. "You know, maybe get some Mom Bucks this week and then we can come back here."

Rodrick chuckled. "I will."

As they continued to walk, they heard familiar voices from behind them.

"hey nerd" "hey doofus" -rodrick x readerWhere stories live. Discover now