Chapter Thirty: Greg's Play

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Spring rolled around and Rodrick and Y/N had grown closer and closer with each passing day. Just like Rodrick had wanted, they spent their days at each other's houses and ended falling asleep next to each other, hand in hand. The only thing that was missing was the fact that they were still not together.

Rodrick and Y/N's bond strengthening wasn't the only thing that had happened during the transition between winter and spring. Greg still hadn't made up to Rowley. He tried numerous things for him to be his friend again, but none of them were enough so he decided to impress him by doing the Spring Play. He practiced his lines with Y/N who thought it was very cool he was doing a play. Rodrick, on the other hand, thought it was stupid.

After some weeks of practice, it was finally time for the play. Y/N, her mom and Scott decided to show their support and watch Greg's play with the Heffley family.

They drove to Westmore Middle and parked beside the Heffley family. The two families hopped out of their vehicles and greeted each other.

Y/N gave Rodrick a hug and turned to Greg. "Are you nervous?" she asked. He shook his head.

"Not really," he replied. Y/N noticed his hands were shaking and she smiled gently.

She patted his shoulder. "You'll do great, I know it."

And with that, they all went inside the school and followed the lines of families into the theatre. They found a good row and all sat beside each other. Mr. Heffley sat in the seat closet to the aisle, Mrs. Heffley seated herself beside him, Manny sat beside his mom, Rodrick was on the other side of Manny, and Y/N took the other spot next to Rodrick, her mother and Scott sat beside Y/N.

After more people piled into the auditorium, the lights dimmed and the curtains to the stage opened, revealing all the scurrying kids preparing to preform.

From where she sat, Y/N could hear Mr. and Mrs. Heffley speaking. "Isn't this exciting?" Mrs. Heffley asked. "Your son's in a play."

"Yeah, sure," Mr. Heffley said. "It's not wrestling but..." he trailed off and glanced at Rodrick. "But at least it's something."

Y/N followed his gaze and turned to Rodrick to see him writing 'Löded Diper' on his jeans with a sharpie. "What are you doing?" she whispered as the play started.

"I'm bored," he said as he continued to make the lettering bolder. Y/N sighed and faced forward, watching the play. Three boys dressed as trees went onto the stage. The one in the middle was Greg.

"Bubby!" Manny exclaimed, pointing at Greg.

Rodrick looked up from his pants and snorted at Greg. "Loser."

"Bubby!" Manny said again. "Bubby! Bubby!"

The audience laughed at Manny's adorable antics. Rodrick laughed at Greg's humiliated face.

"Hey, Bubby, I think you dropped an apple," Greg said to the kid next to him.

The kid looked at him with furrowed brows. "Huh?"

Then, a lady began playing a soft melody on piano.

"We three trees from yonder glen do spy a fair and sweet maiden," the boys sang.

Rodrick snorted with laughter.

"Whilst we're rooted to our spots," they continued to sing. Greg's eyes shifted to another spot in the auditorium and he began to sing with less enthusiasm. "In silver slippers she doth trot down the yellow road. Doth she know to where it goes?"

His eyes went back to his family and he stopped singing. Y/N furrowed her brows and turned to Rodrick who held up his phone, filming the scene before him. He pointed at his phone and mouthed the words, "You are dead."

"hey nerd" "hey doofus" -rodrick x readerWhere stories live. Discover now