Chapter Seven: Amy Shredder Lee

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When Rodrick woke up, he had a shower. Normally, he wouldn't bother unless his mother threatened to take away his van. But today he was spending the day with Y/N and he thought it would be a nice act to do for her.
After he got dressed he even made his bed which he's only done once or twice. He shook his head and sat on the edge of his bed. This girl had him going insane. He would never shower on his own will nor would he make his bed. She was changing him. In good ways of course. Rodrick sighed. He couldn't believe himself. He was stupid. He was changing for a girl he would never have a chance with.
Suddenly his phone vibrated in his jean pocket. He pulled it out and smiled at the notification. It was Y/N.

nerd:))) : I don't know if you're up but if you are, Mom said you can come over and have breakfast with us
Rodrick: i'm up
Rodrick: i'll be over in a few minutes
nerd:))) : We're having waffles btw

Rodrick shoved his phone back in his pocket and left his room. When he reached the bottom step his mother walked over to him and gave him a confused look.
"You... you showered?" she asked.
He nodded. "Yeah? What about it?" He ran his fingers through his damp hair.
"Nothing," she replied. "It's just... strange."
I know, he thought.
"Well, Y/N invited me over for breakfast," said Rodrick. "So I gotta go." He took a step forward but his mother put her hand on his arm.
"She did?" she asked, raising an eyebrow.
Rodrick nodded slowly. His mom smiled and said, "That's nice of her."
"You're acting weird, Mom," he said.
She laughed and let go of his arm. "Have fun. See you later, honey."
And with that, Rodrick was out the door. He got in his van and drove wildly down the street.
When he arrived at Y/N's house he parked in her driveway, making sure to park straight.
He hopped out of his van and ran up to the front porch. He knocked three times and waited for someone to answer.
The door opened a few seconds later to reveal Y/N's mom. "Hi, Rodrick," she greeted, letting him inside.
When inside, he wiped his shoes on the mat but immediately questioned himself about it. Why are you doing this?
"Y/N is in the kitchen," she told him.
"Thank you," Rodrick replied quietly as he made his way to the kitchen. At the table sat Y/N enjoying some waffles.
She looked up from her plate and smiled at him. "Hi, Rodrick."
A little dachshund came running towards him, yapping at him. "It's Shredder," he said, kneeling down to pet the dog.
"No, it's not," Y/N replied, getting up from her chair. She crouched beside Rodrick and the puppy. "She doesn't have a name yet."
"So I'll call her Shredder," Rodrick said as he pet the dog's head. The little puppy wagged her tail and licked Rodrick's hand. "Shredder loves me."
"Who's Shredder?" Y/N's mom asked as she walked into the kitchen.
"No one," Y/N said. "Rodrick wants to call the puppy Shredder."
"That's a bit of an unusual name," said Y/N's mom.
"That's what I said," Y/N said as she reclaimed her seat at the table. Rodrick followed her and seated himself beside her. Y/N's mom set down a plate of waffles for Rodrick and took her spot at the head of the table.
"Not really," Rodrick shrugged. "I know loads of people who named their dog Shredder."
"Yeah, yeah, whatever," Y/N rolled her eyes playfully and ate her waffles.
"So I was looking online last night," Rodrick said to Y/N who turned her head to look at him. He tried to maintain eye-contact but just the simple look in her eyes made him fumble over. He looked down at his waffles and continued, "And I saw a record shop nearby the mall. I was thinking maybe, since you like music so much we could go there. Just to look around."
"I'd love to," Y/N said. Rodrick glanced at her for a split second. It was brief but he was able to make out the bright smile Y/N wore. He loved her smile and he hated himself for it. This girl was killing him without even knowing it.
"I'm sorry, but I don't think you two can go today," said Y/N's mom.
"What? Why not?" Y/N asked.
"Because I leave for work in less than thirty minutes and we can't leave the dog alone by herself," her mother replied.
Y/N turned to face Rodrick with saddened eyes. "I'm sorry," she whispered. "I really wanted to hang out today."
"It's okay," he replied gently. It wasn't. None of this was okay. He shouldn't even have plans with her in the first place. He shouldn't feel so upset they can't hang out. He shouldn't have felt so jealous when Ben was warming up to Y/N. He shouldn't have went crazy when Y/N slightly touched his hand. He shouldn't feel his knees weak when he looked in her eyes. He shouldn't set himself up for the torture and pain of rejection to such a person like Y/N.
"I mean, I know it's not as good as the mall but Rodrick could stay here for bit and hang out with you and the dog," Y/N's mother said to her. Y/M/N, you are a live saver, Rodrick wanted to shout.
(Y/M/N is your mom's name btw)
"You can also take the dog out for a walk. It's only a suggestion," Y/N's mother shrugged.
Y/N turned to Rodrick. "We can go to the mall tomorrow and you can stay here with me today."
He nodded while internally he jumped up and down. "And Shredder," he added.
Y/N rolled her eyes and shoved Rodrick playfully. "Her name is not Shredder," Y/N argued.
"Well we're going to have to start calling her Shredder if you don't pick out a name for her," Y/N's mother said.
"How about Amy Lee? Lee for short," Y/N suggested.
"Amy Lee as in Evanscene?" Rodrick asked. Y/N nodded. "Amy Shredder Lee is the perfect name."
"Her name is not Shredder!" Y/N protested, fighting back her laughter.
Y/N's mother got up from the table, shaking her head. "You two fight like a married couple."
"Mom!" Y/N said, her cheeks coloured pink.
Rodrick felt blush creep onto his cheeks as well.
Y/N's mother shrugged. "I say what I observe."
Y/N hid her face in her hands and sighed. "Are you leaving now?"
"Yes, bye, love you," her mother called from the entryway. "Bye, Rodrick."
And with that, the door shut, indicating that Y/N's mother was gone.
"She's so weird," Y/N muttered, taking away her hands. "I'm sorry about her."
"It is what it is," Rodrick said as he ran his hand through his still wet hair.
Y/N grabbed hers and Rodrick's plates and set them on the counter. Then she walked into the living room, Amy Shredder Lee following after her.
Rodrick got up from the table and made his way to the living room, taking a seat on the couch beside Y/N, ensuring a respectful distance between them.
Amy Shredder Lee whined at the two of them, her legs to short to help her get on the couch. Rodrick leaned forward and picked up the dog. "Come here, Shredder."
Y/N huffed. She was obviously never going to stop him.
Amy Shredder Lee curled up on Rodrick's lap and closed her eyes. "Y/N, look," he said. "Shredder likes me."
Y/N scratched behind the dog's ears. "She's going to think that's her name when she gets older. Then all she'll answer to is Shredder."
The dog's ears perked up at the name and she wagged her tail. "Oh, Rodrick, what did you do?"
The dog got up from his lap and jumped onto his chest, licking his chin. "She's my dog now."
Y/N rolled her eyes and turned on the TV, flicking through channels.

Y/N's POV:

After half an hour, Y/N and Rodrick decided to take Lee for a walk. They went around the street twice and poor Lee was panting like crazy. Having little legs as a dog was very much a disadvantage.
When they walked by their house for the second time, Rodrick was complaining.
"Let's go inside," he said. "My feet hurt."
"What are we supposed to do? Watch TV all day?" she asked.
"That sounds like a good plan to me," Rodrick shrugged. He looked down at Lee. "Do you wanna go inside and watch TV?" he cooed.
Lee's tail wagged and she barked in reply. He bent down and picked up the dog, walking towards Y/N's house. Since Lee's leash was still in Y/N's hand she had no other choice but to follow her dog and Rodrick inside.
"I think we should let Shredder decide what we watch," Rodrick said as he set the dog down, unclipped her leash and let her run to the living room.
"Her name isn't Shredder," Y/N said as she leaned against the wall, wobbling on one foot as she tried to untie her Converse.
Rodrick offered her his arm and she grabbed onto his wrist, untying her shoes. When she kicked them off, she stood upright, hand still in Rodrick's. She studied his face, noticing his cheeks were a bit red. She furrowed her brows for a moment before slowly slipping her hand away from Rodrick's, their fingers brushing against each other delicately.
"So what movie do you wanna watch?" she asked him.
"It doesn't matter to me," he shrugged.
"Let's check what Netflix has to offer," Y/N said, making her way over to the couch. Rodrick sat on the couch, maintaining a bit of distance between them.
Y/N turned on the TV and scrolled through Netflix. She flicked through the horror movie collection and landed on the movie Scream.
She turned to Rodrick. "Do you like this movie?" she asked.
"I never watched it," he said, lifting Lee onto the couch.
"What? Are you serious?" she asked. He nodded. "Okay, I'm putting it on." She clicked play and set the remote on arm rest.
"What's is about anyway?" asked Rodrick.
Y/N put her finger to Rodrick's lips, eyes glued to the TV. "Shhh. Just watch."
She leaned back, taking her hand away from Rodrick's lips and stared intensely at the film.
A few minutes passed and Y/N started to fall asleep, the movie she had watched a thousand times failing to keep her engaged.
Little did Y/N know, Rodrick had also fallen asleep, his head resting against hers. They laid beside each other peacefully, breathing in sync.

"hey nerd" "hey doofus" -rodrick x readerWhere stories live. Discover now