Chapter Sixty: Seperation Anxiety

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Y/N and Rodrick awoke to a loud pounding on her door.

"Come on, you guys," Y/N's mother said from the other side of the closed door. "You have to be at your school at six."

Y/N sat up and rubbed her eyes. "We're awake," she said.

Rodrick rolled over, shoving his face in Y/N's pillows. "What time is it?" he asked.

Y/N checked her phone. "Almost five," she replied.

"Almost five?" he exclaimed. He sat up. "Can we go back to bed for a bit?"

"No. We might miss the plane. Come on," she said as she got off her bed and turned on her light. Rodrick groaned and wired his eyes shut. Y/N walked over to closet and started to rummage through it. When she had an outfit picked out, she dashed across the hall to the bathroom and got changed.

When she went back into her room —with her teeth and hair brushed and a new outfit on— she saw that Rodrick had went back to sleep.

She walked over to him and clapped her hands by his ear repeatedly. He grumbled. "Y/N," he said. "Let me sleep."

"No," she replied. "Get up."

He buried his face deeper into her pillows. Y/N wrapped her hands around both his legs and began to pull. He barely moved.

"Rodrick," she said exasperatedly. "Please get up."

"Okay, okay," he mumbled as he got up from her bed and started to get ready. Y/N got her suitcase she had packed days ago and started to wheel it out of her room, giving Rodrick some privacy.

She descended the stairs with her suitcase and left it in the entryway. Then she walked into the living room. Greg and Manny were deep in sleep.

She crept past them and went into the kitchen where her mom was making herself some coffee.

Y/N leaned against the counter and sighed. "I'm too tired for this," she mumbled. Her mother patted her shoulder as she slurped on her piping hot coffee.

A few minutes later, Rodrick joined them in the kitchen, running a hand through his messy hair. He wore a MCR shirt along with some jeans. He walked over to Y/N and leaned against her, closing his eyes.

"Do you guys want a quick breakfast?" Y/N's mom asked. Rodrick and Y/N nodded. "Okay, I've got cereal and granola bars."
(if you don't like either of those things, you can replace it something else)

Y/N told her mother her breakfast of choice and Rodrick chose cereal. Y/N's mom gave them their breakfast and they ate quickly.

When they were done, they went upstairs to get Rodrick's suitcase. Together, they hauled it down the stairs and set it next to Y/N's in the entryway.

Then, her mother walked over to them, handing Y/N her passport and a couple of dollars.

"Just in case either of you get hungry at the airport," she said.

Y/N smiled and wrapped her arms around her mother. "I love you."

"I love you too, Y/N," her mom replied as she stroked her hair.

They pulled away and smiled. Then Y/N's mom gave Rodrick a quick hug which he gladly returned. "Goodbye, Rodrick," she said. They pulled away. "Be safe, you two. Take care of each other."

"Bye," Y/N and Rodrick said as they took their suitcases and walked out the door to his van. He slid open the back door and heaved his and Y/N's bags into the back. Then they climbed into their seats and he started the van.

"hey nerd" "hey doofus" -rodrick x readerWhere stories live. Discover now