Chapter Seventy-Nine: Pictures

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TW: mentions of sa

When Y/N woke up and got ready for the day, she looked out her window to see a light snowfall. Blankets of white shrouded the lawns and the road on her street, bringing to her the exciting feeling that Christmas was coming soon.

As she continued to look outside, she noticed a recognizable van parked in her driveway.

She smiled and crept out of her room. She went downstairs and into her living room to see Rodrick and Lee curled up on the couch.

She walked over to the couch and sat down next to them.

When Rodrick saw her, his face immediately lit up. "Hi," he said.

She smiled at him. "Hi. I'm surprised you're up this early."

"I wanted to see you," he said with a shrug. "And Shredder." He gently scratched the dog's head. Lee cuddled closer to him.

"Where's Mom?" Y/N asked.

"Kitchen. She's making breakfast," Rodrick replied. Y/N nodded and brushed her hand along Lee's fur.

Five minutes later, Y/N's mother emerged in the living room, carrying two plates of Y/N's favourite breakfast food. She placed them onto the coffee table in front of Y/N and Rodrick before taking a seat.

"The snow is all slushy, so be careful on the way to school," Y/N's mother told them as they ate their breakfast.

Rodrick and Y/N nodded before finishing their food. Y/N's mother collected their plates and set them on the counter in the kitchen. Then she walked back into the living room and gave Y/N a hug.

"Have a good day at school, you two," she said as they began making their way to the front door. "Love you."

"Love you too," they replied before walking out the door.

The moment they stepped outside, snow fell onto them, covering their hair and faces with little flakes. They dashed over to Rodrick's van and hopped inside. He quickly started the engine and waited for the vehicle to warm up before he began to drive down the street. He ensured to drive slowly and carefully along the slick roads.

They arrived at school twenty minutes later. During those few minutes, the snowfall doubled in speed and in size. The snow showered all of Plainview in heavy, thick blankets.

When they hopped out of the van, Rodrick took Y/N's hand and led her into their school.

The moment they stepped inside, they were greeted by loud chatter from their peers. Everyone was on their phones and laughing at something they were viewing.

Y/N and Rodrick shared a puzzled glance before they made their way to the main locker area.

Everywhere they looked, people were laughing at their phones.

Y/N furrowed her brows as she opened the door to her locker and took out her textbooks and notes. "What are they laughing at?" Y/N asked.

Rodrick shrugged. "Their phones," he replied.

Y/N rolled her eyes. "I know that much, doofus." She closed her locker and faced him.

"Maybe some stupid video went viral," he said. She nodded slowly, glancing around at everyone.

"Ugh. I am not partaking in this. It's not funny. It's stupid and cruel." Y/N's eyes landed on Lexi who had just strutted into the main locker area, Ben and Barry following her as if they were dogs on a leash.

"hey nerd" "hey doofus" -rodrick x readerWhere stories live. Discover now